UART implementation in verilog

Primary LanguageVerilog

This is a UART softcore.

For now, I only have implemented UART transmitter and receiver without FIFO support

Instruction to use this softcore:

  1. Modify baud_generator.v such that your system clock will divide nicely into your desired baudrate
  2. Modify sampling_strobe_generator.v such that CLOCKS_PER_BIT fits the agreed baudrate configuration
Tx_top(clk, start, i_data, o_busy, serial_out);
  • clk : UART transmitter clock

  • start : a signal to trigger the UART data transmission, please check that o_busy signal is LOW before asserting start signal

  • i_data : 8-bit data ready to be sent through UART

  • o_busy : if asserted HIGH, UART transmitter is busy

  • serial_out : serialized output data

Rx_top(clk, serial_in, received_data, rx_error, data_is_valid);
  • clk : UART receiver clock

  • serial_in : serialized input data to be processed

  • received_data : processed data

  • rx_error : error flag indicating parity error

  • data_is_valid : valid flag indicating the received_data signal is ready