
Butterfly Garden

MIT LicenseMIT

This project is discontinued ☠️

Due to a change in personal circumstances with the founder of the project, we no longer have the time or motivation to work on Butterfly. If you are interested in a Flutter-based desktop, then take a look at dahliaOS

Butterfly Garden

This is where we are growing Butterfly 🦋 A graphical environment created with Flutter and Dart for Linux workstations and maybe Android devices.

At least, that is the rough plan 😄

Why? 🤔

We want to have fun 🤡 and make something new ✨

We want to try new ideas, learn new skills, make new mistakes and hopefully create a new way to interface with Linux workstations in the process. This is a project by us, for all us, based on the things we like.

And you are most welcome to join the fun and help make something beautiful 🦋

The Plan 🗺

There is no plan.

In fact, at the time of writing there is no code just ideas. But we do have an overabundance of optimism, enthusiasm and potential.

What we've discussed so far is this:

  • Have fun, learn new skills, try new things and make new friends.
  • Make a graphical shell using Flutter and Dart. How hard can it be? 😜
  • Collaborate with DahliaOS where ever possible.
  • Adhere to freedesktop.org specifications.
  • Use the Yaru theme, icons and widgets for visual consistency.
  • Build an operating system based on Ubuntu called Ubuntu Butterfly (remix)
  • Collaborate with Flutter developers to bring beautiful cotemporary applications to Butterfly and Ubuntu Butterfly.
  • See if we can get Butterfly running on Android devices too.
  • Try and become an official Ubuntu flavour by the 24.10 release.


Join Wimpy's World Discord server where we have a 🦋#Butterfly channel for project collaboration.

Before opening an issue, please see the issue policy.

A general guide for contributing can be found in CONTRIBUTING.md along with our CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md

Cross Team Communication

Butterfly can not be successful without the input and assistance of other projects. This is where we can communicate with other teams:


Butterfly components are typically licensed under the MPL-2.0 with artwork using CC BY-SA 4.0.