
Perl Module : Send and receive RTP packets (RFC3550)

Primary LanguagePerl


This is a pure perl implementation of 
Real-time Transport (RTP) Protocol (RFC3550).

The Net::RTP module is used to send a receive RTP packets.

The Net::RTP::Packet module is used to parse the RTP packet headers. 
It may be used totally independently of Net::RTP if you want to handle
sending and receiving packets yourself.


	I use Module::Build to build and install the module.
	To install this module type the following:
		perl Build.PL
		./Build test
	And then as root:
		./Build install

	Module::Build is available in the debian package:



	This module requires the IO::Socket::Multicast perl module,
	which in-turn requires IO::Interface. 
	You will also need one of the following super-class modules:
		IO::Socket::Multicast6 (IPv4 and IPv6 unicast and multicast)
		IO::Socket::Multicast (IPv4 unicast and multicast)
		IO::Socket::INET6 (IPv4 and IPv6 unicast)
		IO::Socket::INET (IPv4 unicast)


	rtpstats.pl - Displays packet statistics for an RTP session
	rtpsend-pcmu.pl - Send an audio file as an u-law RTP session
	rtplosslog.pl - Log packet loss for a RTP session every minute
	rtpdump.pl - Parse and display incoming RTP packet headers


	Nicholas J Humfrey, njh@cpan.org


	Copyright (C) 2006 University of Southampton

	This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
	under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.005 or, at
	your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.