
This demo deploys a simple Spring Boot web application that connects to Postgres onto a Kubernetes cluster.

You can watch this demo along with an introduction to Kubernetes concepts here.


  • Kubernetes cluster with kubectl installed and configured to use your cluster
  • docker cli installed, you must be signed into your Docker Hub account

Deploy Spring Boot app and Postgres on Kubernetes

  1. Deploy postgres with a persistent volume claim

    kubectl create -f specs/postgres.yml
  2. Create a config map with the hostname of Postgres

    kubectl create configmap hostname-config --from-literal=postgres_host=$(kubectl get svc postgres -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}")
  3. Build the Spring Boot app

    ./mvnw -DskipTests package
  4. Build a Docker image and push the image to Docker Hub

    docker build -t <your Docker Hub account>/spring-boot-postgres-on-k8s:v1 .
    docker push <your Docker Hub account>/spring-boot-postgres-on-k8s:v1
  5. Replace <your Docker Hub account> with your account name in specs/spring-boot-app.yml, then deploy the app

    kubectl create -f specs/spring-boot-app.yml
  6. Create an external load balancer for your app

    kubectl expose deployment spring-boot-postgres-sample --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080
  7. Get the External IP address of Service, then the app will be accessible at http://<External IP Address>:8080

    kubectl get svc spring-boot-postgres-sample

    Note: It may take a few minutes for the load balancer to be created

  8. Scale your application

    kubectl scale deployment spring-boot-postgres-sample --replicas=3

Updating your application

  1. Update the image that the containers in your deployment are using
    kubectl set image deployment/spring-boot-postgres-sample spring-boot-postgres-sample=<your Docker Hub account>/spring-boot-postgres-on-k8s:v2

Deleting the Resources

  1. Delete the Spring Boot app deployment

    kubectl delete -f specs/spring-boot-app.yml
  2. Delete the service for the app

    kubectl delete svc spring-boot-postgres-sample
  3. Delete the hostname config map

    kubectl delete cm hostname-config
  4. Delete Postgres

    kubectl delete -f specs/postgres.yml