
Buitendorp Childcare Software for GVSU CIS 467 Capstone

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Buitendorp Childcare Software for GVSU CIS 467 Capstone

Customer Specifications

  1. Facility Information
  • a. General info: Name, address, contact information, and email
  • b. Operation schedule: daily, annually, including scheduled and unscheduled closings
  • c. Meal schedule: times of day
  • d. Licensing information: essentially a repository for required documents (license, medical clearance, Radon testing results, annual training record with copy of training certificates, home inspection documents, etc.)
  • e. Emergency procedures and record of drills
  • f. Licensee information: days and times absent while children were in care, training records
  • g. Professional Documents: repository for the Parent and Provider Handbook (with ability to alter and email or attach to email), Employee Procedure and Policy Manual, Hiring forms, State and Federal Tax Forms, Professional Development Form, etc.
  • h. Daily shift forms tied to attendance records.
  1. Employee Information
  • a. General information: name, address, email address contact information.
  • b. Repository for required documents for state licensing records (CPR, First Aid, Blood-borne Pathogen Training, Tb test, medical clearance form, central registry clearance form, ICHAT clearance form, annual training records, Assistant Caregiver Certifications Statement, Sleep Safe, Shaken Baby, etc.)
  • c. Schedule: days, hours, pay rate, sick days, vacation days
  1. Child information
  • a. General info: name, date of birth, home address, age (must be figured monthly), enrollment date.
  • b. Parents/guardian information: address, phone numbers (work, home, cell), email address, employer information. Parents must be listed separately in case of divorce or not living together.
  • c. Hours: Daily, weekly, biweekly and monthly; we must be able to figure by each time increment for parents/children with changing schedules.
  • d. School information: name, address, contact information, days, hours, link to school website or calendar.
  • e. Health accident log: date, symptoms, treatment, care instructions, medication form, and annual medication; permissions and directions for sun block, oral pain reliever, pain reliever, anti-itch cream, ointments for baby bottoms, tooth paste.
  • f. Anecdotal notes log for each child.
  • g. Individual Care and Education Plans: Repository, by child.
  • h. Billing: Rates, Units (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, school calendar/summer), invoices, receipts, payments from parents or received from State or partial payments for services, ability to generate tax form W-10. The ability to print these documents (or summaries) is important.
  • i. Maintain a waiting list for openings: either lull or part time, or specific days.
  • j. Generate and print field trip permission slips
  • k. Generate and print a daily arrival and departure form
  1. Meal Planner and Meal Count
  • a. Names, ages, which meals served by day; generate a monthly and annual count
  • b. Weekly plan for meals, with shopping list
  • c. Meals should include the food program meal allowances with quantity guide by age
  • d. infant meal variations
  • e. Food reimbursement calculator reflecting Tier I and Tier 2 rate difference with ability to change as they adjust annually in July
  • f. Calculate data for meal tax deductions per calendar year; tied to meal counts and allowable rates
  1. Accounting
  • a. Record of income: Parent payments and state payments. This should also include an "Other income" category such as Food Program Reimbursement (Kent Regional CCAFP or other approved food program), teaching commission, advisory board compensation, etc.
  • b. Record of expenses — alphabetized and including utilities, education, an actual food expense, supplies, household supplies, supplies, toys, books, curriculum, child care furniture (beds, cribs, changing tables, tables, chairs, outside play equipment or maintenance (sand yard), appliances, office equipment, supplies and expenses, household maintenance and repairs, cleaning supplies, vehicle repairs and maintenance, depreciation, insurance on home, vehicles, liability, cost of second phone line, Internet, cable, etc. This category is not fully defined.
  • c. Time-Space Calculator
  • d. Vehicle mileage; should be tied directly to expense receipt entries.
  1. Other functions
  • a. Calendar — to plan children in care on a daily basis, make notes of families needing openings when/if available, vacation schedules, staffing changes, training, curriculum planning and development, closings, school calendar, child arrival, departure, drop off or pick up changes.