
A CLI client for malware bazaar and urlhaus feed

Primary LanguageGo

bazzar-CI bazzar-CD


A tiny and comfy CLI written in Go to interact with Malware Bazaar samples and Urlhaus database.


I really enjoy navigate and use abuse.ch services when I'm doing any kind of threat research or malware analysis, and I always wanted a simple CLI tool to use their services just to pick some useful attributes of a malware or url, that's why I built this simple yet useful tool.


With bazzar you can:

  • Query sample info in raw text and json format
  • Query url info in raw text and json format
  • Download any malware sample available in Malware Bazzar


Interact with abuse.ch intel feed

  bazzar [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  sample      Interact with samples in Malware Bazzar
  url         Query urlhaus information

  -h, --help   help for bazzar

Use "bazzar [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Right now you can interact with the sample subcommand and the url subcommand

Sample subcommand

  bazzar sample [flags] sha256

  -h, --help            help for sample
  -i, --info            Get sample info
  -j, --json            Output info in json format
  -l, --list-last       List last 100 entries in Malware Bazzar
  -o, --output string   Output sample path

You need to pass at least the sample hash, but you can normally list

URL subcommand

  bazzar url url|host [flags]

  -h, --help         help for url
  -j, --json         Output in JSON format
  -l, --list         List new urls
  -n, --num int      Number of urls to list (default 20)
  -u, --url string   Get URL information

You need to pass a url or host, but you can normally list


Sample interaction

URL interaction


Using go (best way):

$ go install github.com/aandersonl/bazzar@latest

This will download and compile everything in your GOPATH, make sure to have $GOPATH/bin in your path in order to work.


You can also go to releases and grab the latest version avaiable.


As this is not a finish tool, I will soon add other features like:

  • Query by imphash,tlsh,ssdeep (This queries don't work in the current api spec)
  • Download daily generated samples batch
  • Correlate samples with urlhaus
  • Generate MISP events
