
Shared frontend modules for Codecademy & Friends

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Shared node modules for codecademy.com & co

CircleCI codecov

This repository is a monorepo that we manage using Lerna. That means that we publish several packages to npm from the same codebase, including:

gamut: Our React UI component library

gamut-styles: Utility styles for gamut components and codecademy apps

gamut-icons: SVG Icons for gamut components and codecademy apps

styleguide: Styleguide Documentation & storybook development sandbox

Local development

  1. Run yarn in the root directory
  2. Run yarn build-all (certain packages like gamut-icons need to be built to function in storybook)

Running the storybook styleguide

  1. Run yarn start to start the storybook server
  2. Add new stories to packages/styleguide/stories
  3. Stories are written using storybook's Component Story Format

Publishing Modules

  1. Make your changes in a feature branch, and get another engineer to review your code
  2. After you've reviewed and tested your code, you can merge your branch into master.
  3. To merge your changes, use the "squash and merge" button in github. Make sure you update the title/description of the merge to match the commit message guide, otherwise it will not generate a detailed changelog entry.
  4. Once your branch is merged into master, it will be published automatically by CircleCI.
  5. You can check the master branch or CircleCI for the new version number

Publishing an alpha version of a module

Every PR that changes files in a package publishes alpha releases that you can use to test your changes across applications

  1. Create a PR
  2. In the github "checks" UI, find the "Publish Alpha" task
  3. Once this check has passed, click on it, and look through the output for the alpha version number
  4. Use this version in the other application you want to test your changes on

Working with pre-published changes

For quicker development cycles, it's possible to run a pre-published version of Gamut in another project. We do that using symlinks (the following instructions assume you have set up and built client-modules):

  1. cd /path/to/client-modules/packages/gamut
  2. yarn link
  3. cd path/to/other/repo
  4. yarn link @codecademy/gamut
  5. yarn install

If your other project uses React, you must link that copy of React in Gamut:

1. `cd path/to/other/repo`
1. `cd node_modules/react`
1. `yarn link`
1. `cd /path/to/client-modules/packages/gamut`
1. `yarn link react`
1. `yarn build-all`

See the docs for more information for why you have to do this.

To run a watcher and build Gamut on changes, in client_modules/packages/gamut use yarn build:watch


If you run into compilation issues after linking, try yarn install in your other project and restarting its dev server or running yarn build-all in this repo.

PR Title Guide

Your PR Title should follow the Conventional Commits Format.

Because we use squash merges through the Github UI, you'll need to format your PR title to match these guidelines. Your individual commits will affect the alpha version number, but not the final version once you merge to master.

This Title format will be linted in the probot/conventional-pr-title status check and prevent merging if you do not follow the correct format.

PR Title Format

When you click squash and merge, the title should follow this format:

type(scope): message


fix: fixes a bug in some component
test: adds test to component

With a scope:

feat(Button): :sparkles: An awesome feature for the Button component

Breaking change:

feat(Button)!: :fire: Deleted the Button component

Check out the Conventional Commits page for more detailed options

Here's an example of how the squash and merge form should look:

screen shot 2019-03-04 at 10 41 07 am


The type determines what kind of version bump is needed. A fix will create a patch release, while a feat will create a minor release. Major version updates require a special syntax that is described below.

type must be one of the following options:

Standard types:

  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies


A scope is optional and consists of a noun describing a section of the codebase surrounded by parenthesis, e.g., feat(Button):

Breaking Changes

Adding an exclamation point after your type, before the colon, will indicate that your PR contains a breaking change, and increment the major version number of the modules you changed.


feat!: made a breaking change in the Button component

feat(Button)!: made a breaking change in the Button component

You should do this if your changes introduce any incompatibilities with previous versions of the module.

This will indicate to package consumers that they need to refactor their usage of the module to upgrade.


Optional extra description for your changes.

This goes in the description field of the squash and merge form.

Make sure to clean up the default content if your listed commit messages are not adequate to describe your changes.

If you include the text BREAKING CHANGE: in your description it will trigger a major version bump. We prefer to use the feat!: syntax for breaking changes described above.

Publishing the storybook

  1. Storybook is built and published automatically when there are merges into the master branch