
The python3 version

Primary LanguagePython


A very lightweight python3 web server with pluggable function handling.

Basic Use

$ cat mysvc1.py
import WebF

class Func1:
    def __init__(self, context):

    def help(self):
        return {"type":"simple",
	        "desc":"A function that returns something.",
                {"name":"startTime", "type":"datetime","req":"N",
                 "desc":"Starting time for snacking"},
                {"name":"maxCount", "type":"int","req":"Y",
                 "desc":"max number of snacks"}
    def start(self, cmd, hdrs, args, rfile):
        # maxCount must be in args because it is required:
        self.maxCount = args['maxCount']

	# Return:
	#   200 ("ok")
	#   None (no additional headers to add to response)
	#   None (no doc to emit because we will let next() vend each doc)
	#   True (tell WebF to keep going with next() )
        return (200, None, None, True)
    def next(self):
        for n in range(0, self.maxCount):
            doc = {"name":"chips", "type":n}
            yield doc   # yield, NOT return!

    # No need to define end()

def main():
    websvc = WebF.WebF()
    websvc.registerFunction("helloWorld", Func1, None)
    print "Waiting for web calls"


$ python mysvc.py &
Waiting for web calls

$ curl -g 'http://localhost:7778/helloWorld?args={"startTime":{"$date":"2017-01-02T19:00:06.000Z"},"maxCount":3}'

$ curl -g 'http://localhost:7778/help
{"funcname":"helloWorld","args":{"args":[{"req":"N","type":"datetime","name":"startTime","desc":"Starting time for snacking"},{"req":"Y","type":"int","name":"maxCount","desc":"max number of snacks"}],"desc":"A function that returns something."}}

The WebF framework has these design goals:

  1. Lightweight. WebF relies only on internal python libs and one other lib (included) plus the ratelimit module if rate limiting is activated.
  2. Standardized handling of web service args. All functions in WebF take a single arg called "args" which is a JSON string. This permits standardization of representing extended types like Decimal and Dates and facilitates array and substructure processing.
  3. Ability to generate JSON, EJSON, or BSON for output. EJSON is extended JSON which originated at MongoDB and implements a convention for identifying types of data beyond the basic JSON types WITHOUT requiring a non-JSON compliant parser. BSON is an ideal "code-to-code" format because of performance and precise preservation of types like datetimes, decimal128, binary, and 32 vs. 64 bit integers. Output format is set in an industry-standard way by specifying the Accept header on the inbound call as follows:
  • application/json for json.
  • application/ejson for ejson
  • application/bson for bson

In addition, json and ejson output can be sent in CR-delimited form with the boundary=LF attribute. More on this in the section following basic class and function setup.

  1. Flexibility to efficiently support a variety of response semantics from "the one big JSON object" to streamable (constant output) BSON and meta/data constructs without imposing a standard through appropriate use of start and next methods.

  2. Automatic handling of help. Calling http://machine:port/help will return the set of functions and descriptions and arguments to the caller.

  3. Easy, flexible integration to RESTful callers.


WebF starts a web server on the host machine at the designated port, by default 7778

websvc = WebF.WebF({dict of options})

These options are available upon construction:

addr (string)           listen addr (default: localhost BUT if you want other machines to connect, specify ""
port (int)              Port upon which to listen (default 7778)

sslKeyCertChainFile (string)  Path to file in PEM format containing a concatenation of private key and the full cert chain; automatically enables SSL to permit https access to this service

sslKeyFile (string)  Path to file in PEM format containing just the private key; must be used with sslCertChainFile arg
sslCertChainFile (string)  Path to file in PEM format just the full cert chain but no private key; must be used with sslKeyFile arg

cors (string)           URI or *.  If set, server will set Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to this value upon return

rateLimit (int)         Server-scoped (i.e. across all functions) call rate limit per second.   Requires availability of python "ratelimit" module.

allowHelp (boolean)     If False, the built-in help function is defeated (default: True)

matchHeader  (dict of array of regexp)  Incoming header must match one of the specified regexp. To 
                        make a header mandatory but with any value use .*

websvc = WebF.WebF({"port": 8080,
       	            "sslKeyCertChainFile": theFile,
		    "matchHeader": { "User-Agent": [ "^curl/", "^Mozilla/5.0" ] }

Each server can have many functions associated with it.
A function is registered in the registerFunction method and establishes the first n components of path in the URL as a map to a handler. A simple example:


would be handled by the following function registration:

websvc.registerFunction("foo", Func1, context)

Registration binds the function name (a string) to a class (not an instance of the class; not the class name as a string; just the class!) plus "context" or variables to pass to the function class upon construction. The function name string cannot be the empty string "" and it should realistically be something that can be easily encoded on the URL so avoid spaces, punctuation, quotes, etc.

This approach differs slightly from Java servlets where typically the servlet is instantiated only once in the lifetime of the container and shared across multiple threads. This requires special attention to not putting anything in class scope (without special handling) to prevent concurrency issues. WebF is simpler: when the function is called, a new handler instance is created. Shared material or material that must persist across calls, if desired, can be accessed/managed via the context. The complete scope lifecycle is:

  • After startup, there is a single object of type MultiThreadedHTTPServer listening on address and port. It is derived from http.server.HTTPServer and ThreadingMixIn.
  • As part of the MultiThreadedHTTPServer initialization, it takes the name of a class (not an instance of the class; not the class name as a string; just the class!) that must implement BaseHTTPRequestHandler; in this implementation, the internal derived type is WebF.HTTPHandler.
  • When a socket connection is made to MultiThreadedHTTPServer, it creates a new WebF.HTTPHandler instance, sets it up with connection specific information like caller IP and port, creates a new thread, and calls the do_GET/do_POST etc. on the new WebF.HTTPHandler instance.
  • The WebF framework will map the incoming URL path to a registered function, create a new instance of that class, and begin the __init__/authenticate/ start/next/end cycle
  • In summary, by the time __init__ is called on the registered function, all material accessible from self is threadsafe.

It is the responsibility of the program using WebF to properly apply locking constructs around shared resources in the parent context, if necessary and appropriate.

Functions can be deregistered with the deregisterFunction method. Both registerFunction and deregisterFunction can be called at any time during the lifetime of the WebF service instance. This means both functions themselves and other asynchronous events can dynamically create endpoints.

More sophisticated designs might call for versioning:


This might be handled by the following function registration:

# Note the "v1/foo" path!
websvc.registerFunction("v1/foo", Func1, context)

All other path pieces following the registered pieces are considered RESTful arguments to the function and are handled as described in args below.

The class must support these methods:

  • __init__: Is passed context as argument.
  • help: More on this later.
  • start: Called once at the start of the web service call and is passed:
    • cmd: "GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", or "DELETE"
    • hdrs: A dictionary of HTTP headers
    • args: A dictionary of arguments, decoded from the inbound JSON args and observing EJSON conventions, so numbers are actually numbers, dates are datetime.datetime, etc. Any RESTful arguments i.e. those path components appearing after the function name are placed into an array and assigned to the special argument name _ in the args dictionary.
    • rfile: The input stream if this is a PUT, POST, or PATCH

start must return a tuple containing 4 items: the HTTP response code, additional http headers, the "initial return set" either a dict (set of 1) OR an array of dict, and a boolean True or False to indicate that next and end should be executed. The additional headers can be None. The initial return set can be None. It is OK to return None as the initial return set yet pass True as the "keep going" flag. This sometimes make the setup of producing and emitting "rows" of data easier by localizing the logic to the next method instead of splitting it across start and next. Conversely, it may be easier to construct a small set of return dicts as an array in start and dispense with next.

The framework does not interpret the meaning of response codes; it is the responsibility of the function writer to pass the combination of code, data (in the dict), and "keep going" flag. The "keep going" flag is necessary because the framework will automatically try to execute next and end if they exist regardless of the HTTP response code.
Note that it is a noop if the keep going flag is set True and there is no next or end method.

The class can optionally provide these methods:

  • next: Called iteratively as necessary for the function to vend units of content. This allows the function to incrementally vend output to the consumer. It is therefore not necessary, for example, to build a giant array of 100,000 items in the start() method and emit a single huge response. The client, however, sees a single stream of material and does not have to perform any special actions. next() leverages python's yield operator.
  • end: Called after iteration to next() has concluded. Can optionally return a dict that will be sent to the client. Command-style function that only return a status doc typically only need a start() method; no next() or end().

The class does not have to deal with encoding or output formats. start, next, and end must return native python dicts complete with rich types like arrays and Decimal and datetime.datetime -- i.e. you don't have to bother with converting dates into ISO8601 strings. The WebF framework will convert the data to the format specified in the Accept header.

The class also does not have to deal with "array wrapping" of the returned material. The class need only construct individuals dicts. The WebF framework will appropriately wrap the outbound material based on the Accept header as follows:

  • application/json or ejson Default return format: A leading [ will be emitted before the first doc and a trailing ] emitted after the last doc. If no docs are created in the function, this becomes a valid array of length 0 i.e. []. If an error occurs and a precise return cannot be determined (including length zero), the function may not emit [] at all. The caller must slurp/parse the entire response as a potentially large array and only then begin to operate on the individual items within. It also means that simple functions that emit a single doc are still always wrapped in an array.
  • application/json or ejson; boundary=LF|CR: NO leading [ or trailing ] will be emitted. Each doc is vended as a "standalone" JSON object followed by a CR. The caller can now use so-called CR-delimited JSON conventions and read the response line by line, parsing the objects one at a time. This is potentially much more efficient for the caller because it avoids "high watermarking" in creating a large JSON array only to turn it into something else. It also means that simple functions that emit a single doc can be easily parsed directly into a JSON object without the wrapper array.
  • application/bson: BSON has built-in length so there is no concept of an additional boundary; it already acts as if it has a boundary. Multiple docs streamed "back to back" as BSON can be easily consumed by utils provided in the BSON libraries for doing so; thus it is never necessary to wrap BSON in an outer BSON array.

The class optionally may provide an authenticate method. See Authentication below for more.

Functions can have zero more arguments. Unlike traditional functions, there is only 1 HTTP argument in the framework: args.
args is simply a JSON string that itself carries all the "real" arguments. This provides a standard, easily externalizable format to supply arguments of any type including lists of structures, binary data, etc. The incoming JSON is parsed into a real python dictionary so functions never have to deal with JSON itself, http decoding, etc. In addition, EJSON is always honored upon input to specify non-standard JSON types. Some args examples:

Assume http://machine:port/ is the URL prefix; then:

Pass one arg "name" with value buzz:

A call with several types of args, some complex:

Pass value = 1    
    value will be class int in the args

Pass value = 1.0   
    value will be class float in the args

Pass value = 1L (long)
    value will be class long in the args.  Note we pass 1 as a string
    to prevent any truncation issues along the way

Pass value = 1D (decimal128)
    value will be class Decimal in the args.  Note we pass 1 as a string
    to prevent any truncation issues along the way

Pass value = date(2017-01-20)
    EJSON requires dates to be passed as ISO8601 strings.
    value will be class datetime.datetime 

The advantage of the standardized JSON arg structure becomes clear with
really complex args:

Of course, VERY complex and/or large arguments should probably be sent via POST.

Remember it is important to encode spaces and other special characters in the web service call, and if calling from the shell, protecting the whole thing with single quotes and -g if using curl to prevent globbing:

This will not work!  The spaces between one, two, and three break the URL:
curl http://machine:port/foo?args={"value":"one two three"}

Nor will this.  The braces trigger globbing in curl
curl 'http://machine:port/foo?args={"value":"one two three"}'

Nor will this.  URLs must be encoded:
curl -g 'http://machine:port/foo?args={"value":"one two three"}'

Finally, this WILL work:
curl -g 'http://machine:port/foo?args={"value":"one%20two%20three"}'

Again, WebF will properly decode URLs and convert args to a native python dictionary containing the proper types.

It is the responsibility of the function implementer to rationalize specifically named arguments presented in args and those optionally appearing as RESTful args:

Basic example from before; nothing new:
    curl:             foo?args={"id":"E123"}      
    args in start():  {"id":"E123"}

Now adding RESTful args:
    curl:             foo/E999/4?args={"id":"E123"}      
    args in start():  {"_":["E999","4"], "id":"E123"}

The _ member of args is populated with the RESTful positional arguments. It is the responsibility of the function to determine which id should be used and for what purpose, especially in the context of the command (GET/PUT/POST/PATCH).

The combination of standard args handling plus RESTful features makes it very easy to implement RESTful GET services that require extra arguments to control behavior -- especially complex arguments like filtering expressions:

# Get all things (no filter, no nothing):
GET thing		

# Get thing E123:
GET thing/E123

# Get all things of color red OR size < 8. Note we are using MongoDB filtering expressions here but that 
# does NOT tie us to MongoDB!  The point is that the standard JSON handling makes it straightforward and
# robust to pass complex structures:
GET thing?args='{"filter":{"$or":[{"color":"red"},{"size":{"$lt":8}}]}}'

# Same as above but restrict fields to just id and maker (i.e. don't return a huge payload):
GET thing?args='{"filter":{"$or":[{"color":"red"},{"size":{"$lt":8}}]}, fields:["id","maker"]}'

# Same as above but with paging:
GET thing?args='{"filter":{"$or":[{"color":"red"},{"size":{"$lt":8}}]}, "fields":["id","maker"], "page":2, "limit":40}'

# Get thing E123 but restrict fields as before:
GET thing/E123?args='{"fields":["id","maker"]}'


A key feature of WebF is built-in help for functions. When the service is called with the reserved function name help, the help() method of each registered function will be called and the details of the args and a description will be returned as structured payload in whatever format is indicated in the Accept header JSON by default). The data in help() is also used for required argument and argument type enforcement.

Sometimes help is not desired. The help function can be defeated with the allowHelp: False option.

The help() method has a specific structure:

  "type": "simple",
  "desc": "Top level description of the function",
  "args": [
    {"name": "argName", "type": "argType", "req": Y|N, "desc":"description"}

type indicates the structure of the help data; that is, what other fields appear in the dict and an definition for their meaning and use. The only type currently supported is simple. In the future, "type":"json-schema" might be used to provide very comprehensive and detailed help on arguments.

allowUnknownArgs defaults False. Unless set to True, extra/unknown args are caught and the error code 400 will be returned. This is very useful for catching misspellings of optional args and in general providing a more locked-down interface.

argType is a string, one of the following:

any, string, int, long, double, datetime, binary, array, dict

Note that the simple help format cannot dive deep into array or dict types; that is for json-schema or similar. Also, the simple type does not have a provision to return an error upon detection of extra / superfluous args.

When a call is made to WebF, the help is accessed and the args checked for req and type. Any errors will be collected and HTTP error 400 returned along with the error payload:

A successful call (note use of -i so we can see the HTTP headers):

$ curl -i -g 'http://localhost:7778/helloWorld?args={"startTime":{"$date":"2017-01-02T19:00:06.000Z"},"maxCount":3}'
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: text/json

Missing required arg maxCount:
$ curl -i -g 'http://localhost:7778/helloWorld?args={"startTime":{"$date":"2017-01-02T19:00:06.000Z"},"maxCount":3}'
HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Content-type: text/json

{"data":"maxCount","errcode":1,"msg":"req arg not found"}

Wrong arg type ($foo is not EJSON so it will remain as a dict)
$ curl -i -g 'http://localhost:7778/helloWorld?args={"startTime":{"$foo":"2017-01-02T19:00:06.000Z"}}'
HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Content-type: text/json

{"msg":"arg has wrong type","data":{"expected":"datetime","found":"dict","arg":"startTime"},"errcode":2}

Header Matching

Some use cases call for specific headers to exist and to have certain values. It is certainly possible to do this on an individual function basis because the HTTP headers are passed in the start method. To be more well-factored, A separate helper function could also be crafted and called at the beginning of each start function. As a convenience, the matchHeader option can be used which will be automatically applied to all functions. If a header value does not match at least one of the supplied regexp, an error is raised similar to a wrong arg type. For example, to only allow Mozilla and curl access:

websvc = WebF.WebF({"matchHeader": { "User-Agent": [ "^curl/", "^Mozilla/5.0" ] } })

Rate Limiting

A server-scoped (i.e. across all functions) rate limited can be activated thusly, where n is the maximum number of calls per second that will be tolerated before error 429 Too Many Requests is returned:

websvc = WebF.WebF({"rateLimit": n})

Activating this feature requires that the ratelimit module be installed in the python3 path.


If a logger is registered thusly:

    websvc.registerLogger(logF, context)

then regular python function logF will be called upon completion each time the service is hit (successful or not) as logF(info, context) where info is a dict with useful data (here filled in with representative examples):

{'status': 200,
 'caller': {'name':'','ip':'','port':42321},
 'stime': datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 29, 10, 56, 13, 374307)}
 'etime': datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 29, 10, 56, 13, 374909), 
 'millis': 12,
 'args': {"startTime":{"$date":"2017-01-02T19:00:06.000Z"}},
 'user': 'ANONYMOUS',
 'func': 'helloWorld'

Logging can also be locally overridden in the function by supplying a log method:

class Func1:
    def log(self, info):
    	print info

In this case, context is not used.

Custom Error Handling

A service may wish to perform more than just report the error code, or it may wish a more or less verbose response, for example. To do so, declare an handler class in the errorHandler option. The handler has the same interaction requirements as regular functions (start/next/end) so only start is mandatory. The differences are there is no authentication (because it is internal) and the __init__ signature is different. Here is a simple example that basically copies the default behavior but prints something in the init:

class MyErr:
    def __init__(self, respcode, errs):
        print("You are in MyErr")
        self.respcode = respcode
        self.errs = errs
    def start(self, cmd, hdrs, args, rfile):
        return (self.respcode, None, None, True)
    def next(self):
        for err in self.errs:
            yield err

websvc = WebF.WebF({"errorHandler": MyErr})


Context is a way to make data and resources available to functions from "outside" the framework. Context is completely under control of the invocation environment; thus, different functions can have different contexts or share one. Context is fully read/writable; thus, functions can communicate back to the invocation environment. Common resources can be managed via a common context if appropriate concurrency control is applied.

A very common use is to set up client-side handles to databases. Here is an example of a service that sets up MongoDB and makes a collection available to a function via the context:

import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient

import WebF

import sys

class Func1:
    def __init__(self, context):
        self.db = context['db']
        self.cursor = None

    def help(self):
        return {"desc":"Fetch product info from DB",
                {"name":"productType", "type":"array","req":"N","desc":"fetch only products of this type(s)"}
    def start(self, cmd, hdrs, args, rfile):
        pred = {}  # Fetch all
        if 'productType' in args:
            logging.info("subset requested")
            pred = {"prodType": {"$in": args['productType']}}

        # Set up cursor:
        self.cursor = self.parent.db['product'].find(pred)
        # Assume all OK; normally we'd catch exceptions and such.  We'll
        # let the next() method iterate over the cursor, so no need
	# to return anything here except a good HTTP code and setting the
	# keep-going flag to True
        return (200, None, True)

    def next(self):
        for doc in self.cursor:
            yield doc

def main(args):
    client = MongoClient()  # various auth options here...
    db = client['testX']

    websvc = WebF.WebF(args)
    websvc.registerFunction("getProducts", Func1, {"db": db})


Context can carry the instance of the invoking "self." This makes ALL the resources available. Below is a complete example of this, including separating the invocation environment (main and command line args), the real logic body (MyProgram) which contains bespoke methods like fancyCalculation(), and the WebF framework:

import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient

import WebF

import argparse
import sys

class Func1:
    def __init__(self, context):
        self.parent = context['parent']

    def help(self):
        return {"desc":"Fetch product info from DB",
                {"name":"productType", "type":"array","req":"N","desc":"fetch only products of this type(s)"}
    def start(self, cmd, hdrs, args, rfile):
        pred = {}  # Fetch all
        if 'productType' in args:
            logging.info("subset requested")
            pred = {"prodType": {"$in": args['productType']}}

        # Set up cursor:
        self.cursor = self.parent.db['product'].find(pred)
        # Assume all OK; normally we'd catch exceptions and such.  We'll
        # let the next() method iterate over the cursor:
        return (200, None, True)

    def next(self):
        for doc in self.cursor:
	    # Add to the dict as vended from the database:
            doc['val'] = self.parent.fancyCalculation(5,6)
            yield doc

class MyProgram:
    def __init__(self, rargs):
        self.rargs = rargs

        client = MongoClient(host=self.rargs.host)
        self.db = client['testX']

        self.websvc = WebF.WebF({"port":self.rargs.port})

        # Give the Func1 access to the complete parent!
        self.websvc.registerFunction("getProducts", Func1, {"parent": self})

    def run(self):
        self.websvc.go()  # drop into loop

    # Example of a method that we want to call from within with web service:
    def fancyCalculation(self, a, b):
        return a + b

def main(args):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
   """A service to fetch products

                        help='connection string to product DB7')

                        help='port upon which to listen')

    rargs = parser.parse_args()

    r = MyProgram(rargs)



WebF has no authentication spec per-se. Authentication can omitted entirely (not really recommended) or implemented either by a server-wide authentication function or by a method in each function class named authenticate. If the server-wide authentication function is registered, it will be called for all functions registered. If an individual function authentication method exists, it supercedes the server-wide authentication function if one so exists. The server-wide authentication function is registered thusly:

    websvc.registerAuthentication(myAuthFunction, context)

where myAuthFunction is a regular python function (not a class) that is called as follows:

    def myAuthFunction(functionClassInstance, context, caller, header, args):
        return (T_or_F, username [, optional dict of err data])

functionClassInstance is an instance of the function that will be permitted to continue with the start/next/end call chain if myAuthFunction is successful (more on this in a moment). context is any material that you wish passed to myAuthFunction.

The individual function authentication method signature is nearly the same as the server-wide version except it requires no context, the assumption being context will be taken care of in the registerFunction call:

class Func1:
    def authenticate(self, caller, headers, args):
        return (T_or_F, username [, optional dict of err data])

Both myAuthFunction and authenticate are passed a dict of the HTTP headers, a dict of the args parsed from the URL, and a dict caller that contains the following members:

  • name: A string as interpreted by HTTPBaseHTTPRequestHander.address_string()
  • ip: A string, the IP provided eg.
  • port: An int, the outbound port of the caller

The method is free to perform what tasks necessary, along with material that might have been set up during __init__, to authenticate and allow the rest of the call to continue. A very simple example is basic authentication. where header Authorization would have the value Basic <base64 enconding of name:password>.

The function or method must return a tuple with either 2 or 3 elements:

  1. True or False. Indicates success or failure
  2. Username. Whatever user was trying to authenticate, as best as can be determined by the method. Can be None.
  3. (Optional) dictionary of data to be used in the err message upon failure. Is not used in the event of success.

Upon success, the rest of the function handler chain (start/next/end) is executed. Upon failure, errcode 401 is returned along with an error diagnostic, additionally populated (and optionally) by the dict of err data described above.

Like the other class methods, authenticate can interact with both the parent class and the context. Therefore, more sophisticated schemes like cookies and e-tags can be used to maintain state across calls to the function. For example, authentication on one function can provide a time-bounded session cookie that could be reused by different peer functions within the same service.

Some services may wish to authenticate most functions but leave a small number unauthenticated. The strategy here would be to set up a server-wide authentication function but then in the unauthenticated functions, supply a pass-thru authenticate function:

class OKNotToHaveAuthentication:
    def authenticate(self, caller, headers, args):
        return (True, None)


Copyright (C) {2017,2020} {Buzz Moschetti}

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


This software is not supported by MongoDB, Inc. under any of their commercial support subscriptions or otherwise. Any usage of Firehose is at your own risk. Bug reports, feature requests and questions can be posted in the Issues section here on github.