
A "better" way to get info on MongoDB collections

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Regular MongoDB CLI commands to get data on collections are dull:

rs0:PRIMARY> db 
rs0:PRIMARY> show collections
rs0:PRIMARY> db.account.stats();
	"ns" : "testX.account",
	"size" : 72758890,
	"count" : 1000000,
	"avgObjSize" : 72,
	"storageSize" : 22904832,
	"capped" : false,
	"wiredTiger" : {
		"metadata" : {
			"formatVersion" : 1

Even with some simple clever programming, it's still ... weak:

rs0:PRIMARY> db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(name) { var q = db[name].stats(); print("name: " + name + "; " + "count: " + q["count"]); });
name: Xfoo; count: 0
name: account; count: 1000000
name: corn; count: 4
name: foo; count: 9
name: geo; count: 3
name: myColl; count: 1
name: qqq; count: 1
name: test; count: 4
name: ticks; count: 86400

But what you really want is something like this. Nicely formatted data with totals, averages, etc.:

rs0:PRIMARY> db.collsize();
Collection            Count   AvgSize          Unz  Xz  +Idx     TotIdx  Idx/doc
--------------------  ------- -------- -G--M------  --- ---- ---M------  -------
                Xfoo        0      -1            0  0.0    1    2236416  NaN
              myColl        1      76           76  0.0    0      16384    0
                 qqq        1      33           33  0.0    0      16384    0
                 geo        3     484         1453  0.0    1      32768    0
                corn        4      29          116  0.0    0      16384    0
                test        4      19           76  0.0    0      16384    0
                 foo        9      27          246  0.0    0      16384    0
               ticks    86400      61      5270400  3.2    3    2957312   33
             account  1000000      72     72758890  3.2    1   20770816   20
               -----  ------- -------- -G--M------  --- ---- ---M------  -------
                   9  1086422             78031290             26079232

collsize extends the MongoDB CLI DB object prototype (db.proto) with a new method collsize and formats it nicely. Unz is the UNcompressed size of the data i.e. as it would appear as a set of BSON objects in memory. Xz is the compression factor, so for example an UNz of 60MB with an Xz of 3 would (roughly) have an actual storage allocation of only 20MB. +Idx is the number of additional indexes beyond the mandatory index on _id. TotIdx is the on-disk size of all the indexes.

By default, it is sorted by count. You can change sort by supplying the name of the column header in any case combination:

rs0:PRIMARY> db.collsize("uNz"); // mixed case does not matter
Collection            Count   AvgSize          Unz  Xz  +Idx     TotIdx  Idx/doc
--------------------  ------- -------- -G--M------  --- ---- ---M------  -------
                Xfoo        0      -1            0  0.0    1    2236416  NaN
                 qqq        1      33           33  0.0    0      16384    0
              myColl        1      76           76  0.0    0      16384    0
                test        4      19           76  0.0    0      16384    0
                corn        4      29          116  0.0    0      16384    0

Placing a dash - in front of the sort column name inverts the sort:

rs0:PRIMARY> db.collsize("-count")
Collection            Count   AvgSize          Unz  Xz  +Idx     TotIdx  Idx/doc
--------------------  ------- -------- -G--M------  --- ---- ---M------  -------
             account  1000000      72     72758890  3.2    1   20770816   20
               ticks    86400      61      5270400  3.2    3    2957312   33
                 foo        9      27          246  0.0    0      16384    0
                corn        4      29          116  0.0    0      16384    0
                test        4      19           76  0.0    0      16384    0


Easy! Just load collsize.js from the prompt:

$ mongo
MongoDB shell version v4.0.0
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 4.0.0
rs0:PRIMARY> load("collsize.js");
rs0:PRIMARY> db.collsize()
Collection            Count   AvgSize          Unz  Xz  +Idx     TotIdx  Idx/doc
--------------------  ------- -------- -G--M------  --- ---- ---M------  -------
                Xfoo        0      -1            0  0.0    1    2236416  NaN
              myColl        1      76           76  0.0    0      16384    0


Copyright (C) {2018} {Buzz Moschetti}

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


This software is not supported by MongoDB, Inc. under any of their commercial support subscriptions or otherwise.