
Multithreaded Java file loader for mongoDB

Primary LanguageJava


Multithreaded Java file loader for mongoDB.

NOTE: Until v3.0, this loader was significantly faster than the factory version. The mongoimport tool in v3.0 (in fact all the import/export utils) were rewritten employing both the bulk API and multiple threads and performance has improved substantially. This loader still offers additional flexibility for custom parsers and handlers and has a few more features for declaring types in CSV, TSV, and fixed field files.

Basic Use

ant dist
java -cp mongo-java-driver-2.12.0.jar:dist/lib/mongoapps.jar mongomtimport --help

The current help line:

usage: mongomtimport -d db -c collection [ options ] importFile [ importfile ... ]
importFile is a CR-delimited JSON, delimited, or fixed-width file.
File will be divided down by n threads and a starting region assigned to each thread.
Each region will be processed by a thread, parsing the CR-delimited JSON and adding
the DBObject to a bulk operations buffer.  When the bulksize is reached, the bulk insert is executed.
Smallish document sizes (~1K bytes) will benefit from larger bulksize
Default threads is 1 and default bulksize is 16

If only one importFile is specified and it names a directory, then ALL files in
that directory will be processed.  All options will apply to all the files
processed in that directory
Empty lines (CR only) are permitted but will be ignored

--host | -h     name of host e.g. machine.firm.com (default localhost
--port          port number (default 27017)
--username | -u    user name (if auth required for DB)
--password | -p    password (if auth required for DB)

-d dbname       name of DB to load (default test)
-c collname     name of collection in DB to load (default test)

--parseOnly       perform all parsing actions but do NOT effect the target DB (no connect, no drop, no insert)
--drop            drop collection before inserting
--type json|delim|fixed   identify type of file (json is default)
--separator c     char to use as field and embedded list (see *List types) (default is comma)
--trim            (fixed and delim only) post-parse, strip leading and trailing whitespace from items.
                  If the field is trimmed to size 0, it will not be added.
                  Is a noop if a custom parser is in use.
                  Highly recommended for fixed length imports.
--threads n       number of threads amongst which to divide the read/parse/insert logic
--bulksize n      size of bulkOperations buffer for each thread
--stopOnError     do not try to continue if parsing/insert error occurs
--writeConcern    JSON doc of write concern options e.g. {"w": 0, "wtimeout": 0, "fsync": false, "j": false}

--fieldPrefix str    (noop for JSON) If --fields not present OR number of items on current line > spec in
                     --fields, then name the field str%d where %d is the zero-based index of the item

--fields spec    (noop for JSON) spec is fldName[:fldType[:fldFmt]][, ...]
                 fldType is optional and is string by default
                 fldType one of string, int, long, double, date, binary00
                 OR above with List appended e.g. stringList
                 e.g. --fields 'name,age:int,bday:date:YYYYMMDD'
                 Each item on line will be named fldName and the string value converted to the
                 specified fldType.  *List types are special; items in the line must be quoted
                 delimited and will be further split and the result assigned to an array.  So given:
                   --fields "name,pets"  will produce { name: steve, pets: "dog,cat"} 
                   --fields "name,pets:stringList" will produce { name: steve, pets: [ "dog", "cat"] }
                 fldType date formats: YYYY-MM-DD (default), YYYYMMDD, YYMMDD (<70 add 2000 else add 1900), YYYYMM (assume day 1), ISO8601
                 ISO8601 format accepts milliseconds.  If timezone is not explicitly declared
                 using [+-]HHMM or Z (Z means +0000) then the timezone of the running process will be
                 taken into account

--fieldColumns   (fixed type only and required) A comma separated list of start and end position pairs where 1 (not 0) is the first column.
                 Dash (e.g. 3-6) defines start and end position, inclusive
                 Plus (e.g. 3+4) defines start position and length
                 Single columns may be represented without the dash or plus.
                     --fieldColumns 3-5,6-9,24,30-45
                 is equivalent to
                     --fieldColumns 3+3,6+4,24,30+16
                 Use --fields to name and type extracted columns otherwise default behavior is same as delimited file.
                 *List fields will use the separator character to further break up extracted columns

--handler classname      load a class using standard classloader semantics that implements MongoImportHandler:
                        public interface MongoImportHandler {
                          void init(String fileName);
                          boolean process(java.util.Map);
                          void done(String fileName);
                        init() is called once at the start of each file to be processed.  
                        process() is called with the parsed Map (post-mongoDB JSON type convention conversion)
                        and any operation can be performed on the map.  If process() returns false the map 
                        will not be inserted.
                        done() is called once following processing of all items.
                         handler is called by all threads so take care to add synchronization where necessary.

--parser classname      load a class using standard classloader semantics that implements MongoImportParser:
                        public interface MongoImportParser {
                          void init(String fileName);
                          boolean process(String, java.util.Map);
                          void done(String fileName);
                        init() is called once at the start of each file to be processed.  
                        process() is called with the UNparsed line of data read from the file and 
                        an empty Map.  Any logic can be performed to load name-value content into the map.
                        If process() returns false this signals the parser failed to process the line of data.
                        done() is called once following processing of all items.
                        parser is called by all threads so take care to add synchronization where necessary.
                        parser overrides the --type option.
--verbose        chatty output

To create your own handler or parser, make sure MongoImportHandler.java or MongoImportParser.java (or the .class equivs either as files OR in a jar) is visible to javac. The mongoapps.jar contains the class files for both so it is not necessary to repackage them into your own jar.

$ ls MongoImportHandler.java
$ javac myHandler.java
$ jar cvf myHandlers.jar myHandler.class
$ java -cp myHandlers.jar:mongo-java-driver-2.12.0.jar:dist/lib/mongoapps.jar mongomtimport ...


Copyright (C) {2014} {Buzz Moschetti}

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


This software is not supported by MongoDB, Inc. under any of their commercial support subscriptions or otherwise. Any usage of Firehose is at your own risk. Bug reports, feature requests and questions can be posted in the Issues section here on github.