
A native Solidity codec for BSON

Primary LanguageSolidity


A native Solidity codec for BSON

Introduction and Purpose

Solidity is the smart contract language for Ethereum. It is powerful and expressive but with a nod to its "parsimonious processing" roots, it has several major issues which make "real world" sending and receiving of non-trivial data difficult. These issues are mirrored in the popular web3 code generator framework:

  • There is no concept of a C/C++ struct that can be defined and shared between the smart contract and a client program. You can define structs in the contract only. This means that contract function signatures are limited to lists of scalars going in and n-sized Tuple objects coming out:
    MyContract ct2 = MyContract.load(contractAddr, ...);
    // Suppose we wish to set just name, age, and phone on a "customer" record
    // which contains additional fields like address and region.  We must set
    // up each scalar discretely:
    TransactionReceipt r1 = ct2.setNameAgePhone(name, age, phone).send();
    // If we only wanted to set name and age, we need a different function:
    TransactionReceipt r1 = ct2.setJustNameAge(name, age).send();
    // Getting things out is equally clunky -- especially since web3 vends
    // strings as byte[], not String!
    Tuple3<byte[],BigInteger,byte[]> items = ct2.getNameAgePhone().send();
    System.out.println("name: " + new String(items.getValue1())); // have to construct String from byte[]
    Tuple2<byte[],BigInteger> items2 = ct2.getNameAge().send();
    System.out.println("age: " + items2.getValue2());
    Indeed, the maximum number of arguments that can be retrieved without special changes to web3j is 20 (Tuple20<> is "biggest" pre-canned return type). Even with just a few data items, the combinations can get very large. And you will want to code them all in advance because changing smart contracts (as a result of adding new functions) is a non-trivial procedure involving migrations, call forwarding, etc.
  • Solidity has a great deal of flexibility over bitsize and sign of integers but in web3j, everything is converted to BigInteger which confounds use of simpler int and long types
  • Solidity has no native datetime or penny-precise decimal types. These are critical types to have in modern non-trivial data structures (esp. where monies are involved) and combined with the inability to share structs, the fidelity of data moving in and out of the contracts is severely reduced.
  • Solidity arrays have no append(), making construction of rich array data tedious.

Enter BSON

BSON is a data SDK. It "feels" like JSON (and indeed the name means binary JSON) but is much more powerful in two vitally important ways:

  • BSON has a larger and important scalar data type suite:
    • 32 and 64 bit integers, doubles, and decimal128 numbers are all discrete types whereas JSON only has "number"
    • Native datetime so it avoids issues with ISO8601 strings and other perils of dealing with dates as strings or, for example, integer milliseconds since the epoch in a plain integer field
    • Native byte[] so it avoids string encoding issues
  • BSON has a bytestream specification (here is the official site) with codecs in at least 20 languages. For example, the Java codec is rich with classes and methods which can be used to create arbitrarily complex structures, upon which the "toBytes()" method can be called to create a bytestream which can be sent to a python program with the python BSON codec that can call "fromBytes()" to yield dicts, native datetime.datetime objects, etc. There is no "parsing" in BSON but rather encode/decode. As a result, it does not suffer from the issues that can cause problems in JSON -- which is just a string -- like escaping quotes, pretty-format vs. CR-delimited, lossy roundtripping with whitespace (e.g. tabs become spaces)

BSON was developed by MongoDB and is actively maintained. As the #5 database in the world and growing, it stands to reason that BSON will be around as long as MongoDB is around which at this time seems to be some time. It is important to note that the BSON spec and codecs are code-independent of MongoDB i.e. the C driver libbson.1.so has no references to the database product at all. It is also worth noting that the Java, C, and python codecs have zero dependencies.

BSON in Solidity

The BsonUtils.sol library of methods implements a to- and from-byte[] codec plus the necessary set of functions to create new BSON structures. The value of the ability to precisely work with name:value pairs of high-fidelity value types is readily apparent in the following example:

    // On the Java side:
    import org.bson.*;
    Document d = new Document();
    d.setString("name", "buzz");
    d.setInteger("age", -1);
    d.setDateTime("hireDate", new Date(2022,4,4));
    d.setDecimal128("balance", new BigDecimal("107.78")); // string rep protects from floating point issues
    // This is the Java BsonUtils, not the BSON Solidity library here!
    byte[] p2 = BsonUtils.toBytes(d, Document.class);

    // MyContract.class is generated by web3j epirus util from abi and bin files:
    MyContract ct2 = MyContract.load(contractAddr, web3j, ...);
    TransactionReceipt r1 = ct2.setData(p2);

    // On the Solidity side:
    function setData(bytes memory bsonbytes) public {
        // Decode bytestream into useable material:
        BsonUtils.BsonDocument memory dd = BsonUtils.fromBytes(bsonbytes);

        // The type-generic functions yield BsonValue types that are polymorphic:
        BsonUtils.BsonValue memory name = BsonUtils.getBsonMapValue(dd, "name");
        // ... and there are additional functions that extract Solidity-friedly types
        // from the BsonValue type:
        bytes memory solidity_string = BsonUtils.getBsonString(name); 

        BsonUtils.BsonValue memory hireDate = BsonUtils.getBsonMapValue(dd, "hireDate");
        (uint m, uint d, uint y) = BsonUtils.getBsonDatetimeMDY(hireDate);
        BsonUtils.BsonValue memory balance = BsonUtils.getBsonMapValue(dd, "balance");
        (int128 shifted_value, int8 shifts) = BsonUtils.getDecimal128(balance);

There is much more utility in this approach than if we implemented a JSON parser in Solidity (which would be difficult) because the high-fidelity scalar types can actually be used in a Solidity contract. Similarly, it is unclear into what we would want (or could) parse JSON into.

This also means that any variety of contract state can be easily encoded and returned in a rich way:

    function vendState1() view internal returns (BsonUtils.BsonDocument memory doc) {
        BsonUtils.BsonMap[] memory aa = new BsonUtils.BsonMap[](4);

        // We are hardcoding constants here but they could come from struct data
        // (which DOES exist on the Solidity side) or discrete scalar state vars.
        // In any case, there is no loss fidelity between the Solidity/client
        // when BSON is the carrier:
        aa[0] = BsonUtils.BsonMap('name', BsonUtils.createBsonString(someString));
        aa[1] = BsonUtils.BsonMap('age', BsonUtils.createBsonInt32(-1));
        aa[2] = BsonUtils.BsonMap('hireDate', BsonUtils.createBsonDateTime(2022,4,4));
        aa[3] = BsonUtils.BsonMap('balance', BsonUtils.createBsonDecimal128(10778,-2));

        BsonUtils.BsonDocument memory dd = BsonUtils.BsonDocument(aa);

        return BsonUtils.toBytes(dd);

    // On the Java side:
    byte[] p3 = ct2.vendState1().send();
    Document d6 = BsonUtils.fromBytes(p3, Document.class);

    String s = d5.getString("name");

    // Remember: No datetimes in native Solidity.  Without BSON, the best you
    // can do is get a byte[] of (likely) an ISO8601 string which you have to
    // convert to a real date at your peril.  But here, we can easily and
    // safely extract a java.util.Date:
    java.util.Date hdt = d5.getDatetime("hireDate"); // typesafe datetime

    // Same applies to penny-precision types.  Interesting:
    // The java BigDecimal spec does not include -NaN which is in the 
    // decimal128 spec so we have to go through this:
    BsonDecimal128 zzx = d5.getDecimal128("balance");
    org.bson.types.Decimal128 d128 = zzx.decimal128Value();
    BigDecimal bb = d128.bigDecimalValue();


BSON also makes it very easy to emit high fidelity structures on the transaction log:

    contract MyContract {
        event ThingModified(bytes wrap); // BSON bytes!

        function changeSomething(string calldata newName) public {
            // Change field in storage struct:
            mystoragestruct.name = bytes(newName);

            // Construct a rich BSON doc :
            BsonUtils.BsonDocument memory doc = makeEmitStateDocument();

            bytes memory msg = BsonUtils.toBytes(dd);

            emit ThingModified(msg);

Although Ethereum is not the most cost effective data storage environment, nevertheless with BSON it becomes possible for the blockchain to store arbitrarily complex, compile-time independent high fidelity data. The implementation is almost laughably simple:

    import {BsonUtils} from "./BsonUtils.sol" ;
    contract MyContract {
        bytes arbitrary_data; // held as BSON bytestream
        function setData(bytes memory bsonbytes) public {
            arbitrary_data = bsonbytes;
        function getData() public view returns (bytes memory) {
            return arbitrary_data;

It could be argued that the same thing could be done for JSON string (or XML or AVRO or CBOR [RFC 7049]) but BSON as a carrier has several major advantages:

  1. JSON is a string, is poorly roundtrippable due to whitespace and other issues, and has limited types.
  2. XML is a string, is poorly roundtrippable due to whitespace and other issues, and has NO types.
  3. AVRO is a decent data carrier but also lacks decimal and datetime types.
  4. CBOR is an extensible data carrier which opens the possibility of types encoded on one side cannot be decoded on the other. It also does not have nearly the client-side driver language support of BSON.

Roundtrippability is an extra value when the data exists in the blockchain paradigm of immutability (via hashes such as SHA3) and signatures. Because there is no variability of whitespace or encoding and BSON maintains a stable order of items in key:value maps (in addition to arrays, obviously), it is "cryptofriendly" as the bytestream is sent through a message bus, stored to disk, and along the way rehashed to verify integrity.

Using advanced BSON types in Solidity


Solidity cannot do anything with IEEE doubles. Our approach is to treat them as 8 byte opaque binary data. BSON doubles encountered in fromBytes will be properly roundtripped by toBytes. At some point we could add some helper functions to pick apart the bytes and return integer and shift components much like decimal128.


Besides being able to create and carry a decimal128 field in BSON, there is not much else you can do with it inside Solidity. Mostly you would use getDecimal128() to get at the integer and fractional portions of the number (both as Solidity-friendly ints) and then do comparisons.

TBD: Some nice compare functions, e.g.

    BsonUtils.BsonValue v1 = BsonUtils.createBsonDecimal128(107,78,2);
    BsonUtils.BsonValue v2 = BsonUtils.createBsonDecimal128(211,78,2);    
    int x = BsonUtils.compareDecimal128(v1,v2);
function createBsonDecimal128(int128 val, uint128 dec, int8 ndigits) internal pure returns (BsonValue memory) 
    // (integer portion, fractional portion, positive decimal point shift)
    //     (222, 0, 0)   becomes  222
    //     (222, 0, 1)   becomes  222.0
    //     (222, 11, 2)  becomes  222.11
    //     (222, 11, 4)  becomes  222.0011

// TBD...
function getDecimal128(BsonValue memory val) internal pure returns (int128, uint128 frac, int8 shift);

// Exists and probably the way you would have to use it...
function getDecimal128RawValue(BsonValue memory val) internal pure returns (int128 shiftedValue, int8 shift)

function test_decimal128() internal pure {

    // Experiment with number $107.78:
    BsonUtils.BsonValue amt = BsonUtils.createBsonDecimal128(107,78,2);

    (integerPortion, fractionPortion, shifts) = BsonUtils.getDecimal128(amt);
    // integerPortion = 107
    // fractionalPortion = 78
    // shifts = 2
    (unshiftedAmount, shifts) = BsonUtils.getDecimal128RawValue(amt);
    // unshiftedAmount = 10778
    // shifts = 2


An important type. The internal representation of datetime is milliseconds (NOT seconds) since the epoch without timezone (e.g. Z), stored in an int64. This is easily handled by Solidity -- but going from 5-Sep-2022 to millis is non-trivial. Thus, BsonUtils.sol offers a number of convenience functions to create datetimes, and of course toBytes will yield a BSON bytestream will an appropriately typed datetime field for consumption by a client.

    function createBsonDatetime(uint16 yr, uint8 m, uint8 d, uint8 hr, uint8 min, uint8 sec, uint16 ms)

    function createBsonDatetime(uint16 yr, uint8 m, uint8 d)

    function createBsonDatetime(bytes memory strRepresentation)
    // Recognized string formats:
    // YYYY-MM-DD
    // YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
    // YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss    

Independent of BSON itself, BsonUtils.sol provides two very handy date functions for converting to and from number of milliseconds since the epoch, negative numbers included, for the long integer (int64) representation:

    // For years >1582 (Gregorian calendar)
    function mdyhmsToMillis(uint16 yr, uint8 m, uint8 d, uint8 hr, uint8 min, uint8 sec, uint16 ms) internal pure returns (int64)

    // From -12219278400000 (15-Oct-1582) to 253402232400000 (9999-12-31)
    function millisToStruct(int64 millis) internal pure returns (DateTime memory)
    // DateTime is a struct defined in BsonUtils.sol:
    //   struct DateTime {
    //	   uint16  v_year;  // 1582 to 9999
    //	   uint8   v_month; // 1 to 12  (NOT 0 - 11)
    //	   uint8   v_day;   // 1 to 31
    //	   uint8   v_hour;  // 0 to 24
    //	   uint8   v_minute;  // 0 to 60
    //	   uint8   v_second;  // 0 to 60
    //	   uint16  v_ms;     // 0 to 999
    //  }

We return a struct because returning the 7 discrete scalars is slightly unwieldy and also tends to provoke a "stack too deep" error from the solc compiler.

Unsupported BSON types

Type BSON Status Comment
ObjectID valid ObjectId is a 12 byte value specific to MongoDB
RegEx valid Could be added later; not a lot of demand for this
DBPointer deprecated No supported for deprecated types
JavaScript valid Just a string. Use string
Symbol deprecated No supported for deprecated types
Timestamp valid Specific to MongoDB
MinKey valid Specific to MongoDB
MaxKey valid Specific to MongoDB

Drawbacks and Considerations

Ethereum and Solidity were not designed for large scale data transfer and manipulation. Almost all material on Solidity advises to minimize loops, array expansion (double hit because of realloc AND a loop to copy data to new array), and storage of large datums -- all things that BSON Solidity will do. It thus becomes a tradeoff of cost vs. utility when considering BSON vs. native types especially for storage. Initial quick tests show that capturing BSON bytestreams is only slightly more expensive than an equivalent JSON structure (mostly because in smaller structures, the type and length bits in BSON are a greater percentage of the overall bytestream than JSON (which has none although JSON has lots of double quotes). There is no doubt, however, that calling fromBytes to hydrate a set of BsonUtils.BsonValue objects is relatively expensive.


MyContract.sol is included in this repo along with 4 Java client apps:

  • bsondeploy.java. Calls the deploy() method on the smart contract and prints the new contract address.
  • bsonfetch.java. Contains examples of non-state changing function calls to MyContract.
  • bsonupdate.java. Sets saved state.
  • bsonlisten.java. An example of an event listener that will wake up and decode a BSON payload in an emitted event.
  • bsonemit.java. The program that will trigger an event.

Building and running these examples is beyond the scope of what can be done here due the wide variety of both web3j development environments and the set up of the ethereum node to which the contract is deployed and engaged. The author used geth running in --dev mode and an improvised set of scripts plus ant to build and test the Java programs. The concepts behind each step of development and deployment can be learned (at this URL on moschetti.org).