
The backend for the myBuzzn-app.

Primary LanguagePython

MyBuzzn backend

An app to investigate your power consumption habits for BUZZN customers.

How to run

We recommend to setup a virtual environment for the projects' requirements.

virtualenv -p `whereis python | cut -d ' ' -f3` .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install the requirements

pip install -r "requirements.txt"
pip install git+https://github.com/buzzn/discovergy.git

The following environment variables need to be set:

BUZZN_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI    # Indicates where the database is stored
BUZZN_SECRET_KEY                 # Security ussues like session data
BUZZN_PASSWORD_SALT              # The salt for the users' passwords
BUZZN_SMTP_SERVER                # SMTP server to use for sending mails
BUZZN_EMAIL                      # The email used to send mails from the backend
BUZZN_EMAIL_PASSWORD             # Mailpassword of the mailaccount
BUZZN_BASE_URL                   # Baseurl of the backend i.e. address.
                                 # Everyhing which needs to be in front of the
                                 # api calls. Example mybuzzn-backend.buzzn.net
REDIS_HOST			 # Indicates where the redis database is stored
REDIS_PORT			 # The port to access the redis database, usually 6379
REDIS_DB			 # The redis database 

Starting the app:

python app.py

Currently the webserver is running in development mode to restart after source code changes. To change this behaviour, set the parameter debug to False in the socketio.run() call in app.py.

Starting the worker to populate and periodically update the redis db with metering data from discovergy:

python util/task.py

Make sure to run it from the root directory, otherwise it cannot access the SQLite database properly.

Project structure

project root
├── migrations    # Database migration stuff
├── models        # Data-Models
├── routes        # Defines the http api
├── templates     # HTML templates for specific app routes and testing purposes
├── tests         # Unittests
├── util          # Misc. db interaction, error handling, translations, mailing, websocket interaction, eventlet tasks
└── app.py        # The app-main.


To access the database, the app reads the database's address from the environment variable BUZZN_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI. The database structure is created using migrations. A migration is a script which transforms the database between two consecutive versions (i.e. git revisions) of the app. The model classes (usually stored in /models) model the entities used by the app and provide methods to load and store them in from/in the database. To generate the according tables given a new model use the flask migrate method: flask db migrate generates a new migration file in /migrations/versions to transform the databse structure to meet the models' needs. To apply the migrations run flask db upgrade.

Redis server

The metering data periodially obtained from discovergy is stored in a Redis database, so you need to have a Redis server running. On Linux, you can likely get it as a package through your operating system's package manager (e.g. sudo pacman -S redis). You will not need to interact with Redis at all outside of just ensuring that the service is running (e.g. sudo systemctl start redis.service; redis-cli ping).

Running the tests

Set environment variables

source ./setup_testing_environment.sh

Run tests

python -m unittest

Calculating Code Coverage

Install Coverage.py

pip install coverage

Calculate code coverage

coverage run -m unittest

All unittests are run and the code coverage is calculated.

Show code coverage report

coverage report -m


pylint app.py apitests models routes tests util

How to deploy

This chapter describes how to get a production instance running.

Setup a new instance

Clone the sources:

git clone https://github.com/buzzn/mybuzzn-backend.git

We recommend to setup a virtual environment for the projects' requirements.

virtualenv -p `whereis python | cut -d ' ' -f3` .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install the python requirements

pip install -r "requirements.txt"
pip install git+https://github.com/buzzn/discovergy.git

Now create a systemd service mybuzzn-backend.service, which starts the socketio server we use to run the app in:

Description=Run mybuzzn-backend as an flask socketio instance.

ExecStart=/var/www/mybuzzn-backend.buzzn.net/mybuzznbackend/env/bin/python mybuzzn-backend.py


Either store it on /etc/systemd/system/ or create a link there pointing to it. Start it with systemctl start mybuzzn-backend.service.

Create an endpoint in your webserver, for example for nginx, create a new server in /etc/nginx/sites-available/mybuzzn-backend.net

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name mybuzzn-backend.buzzn.net

    error_log /var/www/mybuzzn-backend.buzzn.net/logs/error.log warn;
    access_log /var/www/mybuzzn-backend.buzzn.net/logs/access.log combined;

    # This is where our socketio server should respond
    location / {
        include proxy_params;

    # This is where the websocket should respond
    location /socket.io {
        include proxy_params;

        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_buffering off;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";

And create a link from /etc/nginx/sites-enable/mybuzzn-backend.net pointing to it. Then restart nginx systemctl restart nginx

Make sure a file setup_environment.py exists in the project root which sets environment variables like this:

import os

os.environ['BUZZN_SECRET_KEY'] = '...'
os.environ['DISCOVERGY_EMAIL'] = '...'
os.environ['DISCOVERGY_PASSWORD'] = '...'
os.environ['JWT_SECRET_KEY'] = '...'
os.environ['BUZZN_PASSWORD_SALT'] = '...'
os.environ['BUZZN_SMTP_SERVER'] = '...'
os.environ['BUZZN_SMTP_SERVER_PORT'] = '...'
os.environ['BUZZN_EMAIL'] = '...'
os.environ['BUZZN_EMAIL_PASSWORD'] = '...'
os.environ['BUZZN_BASE_URL'] = '...'
os.environ['BUZZN_MAILER'] = '...'
os.environ['REDIS_HOST'] = '...'
os.environ['REDIS_PORT'] = '...'
os.environ['REDIS_DB'] = '...'

Make you have a running instance of redis systemctl start redis.service and the start_redis_task.py is running. If you are running systemd, this can be done using a service:

Description=Fill redis db with current reading values
After=network.target redis.service

ExecStart=/var/www/mybuzzn-backend.buzzn.net/mybuzznbackend/env/bin/python start_redis_task.py


Upgrading to a new version

To upgrade to a new version, go to the project root and run git pull. If something has changed in the database models, run source ./venv/bin/activate to activate the python environment. Then run ./flask db upgrade to upgrade the database.

Finally restart the the web server and the redis task which fills the redis database with meter readings: systemctl restart apache2.service redis-task.service mybuzzn-backend.service


To ensure that the logger has the correct configuration, you must create a logger configuration file named logger_configuration.conf and save it under util. The configuration file should look like this:







format=%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s

format=%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s

You can change the path of the logfile in args=('/var/www/mybuzzn-backend.buzzn.net/logs/logfile.log',) under [handler_fileHandler] to what suits your production. When running it locally you can relace it with args=('logfile.log',).

API Documentation

We use swagger for our api documentation. The documentation is available at baseurl/api/doc.


Term Description
per capita consumption / pcc Defined as consumption divided by inhabitants in kWh