
node.js module to parse and load tiled map editor maps (see mapeditor.org)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

tmx parser

Fork of https://github.com/andrewrk/node-tmx-parser

I needed a few changes to the source so I decided to create my own fork on a seemingly dead project.

I have added TS type definitions for convenience.

Tiled Map Editor map parser made to work in node.js or browserify.


var tmx = require('tiled-tmx-parser');

// if you have a string (pathToFile is for resolving tilesets if necessary)
tmx.parse(xmlString, pathToFile, function(err, map) {
  if (err) throw err;

// if you have a file
tmx.parseFile(filename, function(err, map) {
  if (err) throw err;

The second example in that list uses tmx.readFile(filename, callback) and then calls tmx.parse(...) on the results. So if you're in browserland, you can replace the readFile function with your own asset loading function.


A parsed map looks something like this:

{ version: '1.0',
  orientation: 'orthogonal',
  width: 200,
  height: 100,
  tileWidth: 16,
  tileHeight: 16,
  backgroundColor: undefined,
   [ { map: [Object],
       type: 'tile',
       name: 'Tiles',
       opacity: 1,
       visible: true,
       properties: {},
       tiles: [Object],
       horizontalFlips: [Object],
       verticalFlips: [Object],
       diagonalFlips: [Object] },
     { map: [Object],
       type: 'tile',
       name: 'Ladders',
       opacity: 1,
       visible: true,
       properties: {},
       tiles: [Object],
       horizontalFlips: [Object],
       verticalFlips: [Object],
       diagonalFlips: [Object] },
     { type: 'object',
       name: 'Objects',
       color: undefined,
       opacity: 1,
       visible: true,
       properties: {},
       objects: [Object] },
     { type: 'object',
       name: 'PlayerLayer',
       color: undefined,
       opacity: 1,
       visible: true,
       properties: {},
       objects: [] } ],
   { bg_art: 'background.png',
     bg_music: 'music/silly.mp3',
     fg_art: 'hill.png' },
   [ { firstGid: 1,
       source: 'tiles.tsx',
       name: 'default',
       tileWidth: 16,
       tileHeight: 16,
       spacing: null,
       margin: null,
       tileOffset: [Object],
       properties: {},
       image: [Object],
       tiles: [Object],
       terrainTypes: [] } ] }

The objects array looks like this:

{ type: 'object',
  name: 'Objects',
  color: undefined,
  opacity: 1,
  visible: true,
  properties: {},
   [ { name: undefined,
       type: 'Decoration',
       x: 0,
       y: 640,
       width: 224,
       height: 240,
       rotation: 0,
       properties: [Object],
       gid: null,
       visible: true,
       ellipse: false,
       polygon: null,
       polyline: null },
     { name: 'movement text',
       type: 'Text',
       x: 240,
       y: 640,
       width: 336,
       height: 80,
       rotation: 0,
       properties: [Object],
       gid: null,
       visible: true,
       ellipse: false,
       polygon: null,
       polyline: null },
     { name: 'victory',
       type: 'Victory',
       x: 2976,
       y: 880,
       width: 224,
       height: 96,
       rotation: 0,
       properties: {},
       gid: null,
       visible: true,
       ellipse: false,
       polygon: null,
       polyline: null } ] }

TileLayer objects have a tileAt(x, y) method. Otherwise you can access layer.tiles in row-major order.

See the bottom of index.js for more information.