Camel Restlet and JDBC example

An example which shows how to expose CRUD operations with REST interface and JDBC implementation

Compile: mvn clean install
Run the application: mvn jetty:run

To create an user, make a http POST request with firstName and lastName parameters
curl -d "firstName=test&lastName=user" http://localhost:8080/rs/user/

To update an existing user, make a http PUT request with firstName and lastName parameters
curl -X PUT -d "firstName=updated&lastName=user" http://localhost:8080/rs/user/2

To retrieve an existing user, make a http GET request with the userId as part of the url
curl -X GET  http://localhost:8080/rs/user/0

To delete an existing user, make a http DELETE request with the userId as part of the url
curl -X DELETE  http://localhost:8080/rs/user/0

To retrieve all the existing users, make a http GET request to users url
curl -X GET  http://localhost:8080/rs/users