
Fuse ESB (ServiceMix) example of Apache Camel acting as an TCP/IP Proxy with failover capability

Primary LanguageJava

Using Fuse ESB to Manage Controller Failover

This document describes a simple prototype that demonstrates the use of Fuse ESB to manage TCP/IP controller failover.

Here is the design:

Design Image

Client sends TCP/IP messages to ESB acting as a proxy. A failover-capable router pickups up messages and sends them to Controller 1 using a TCP/IP service call. Controller 1 stamps the message as having been processed and returns it to the router, and then back to the Client application.

If Controller 1 fails, the router fails over to Controller 2. For purposes of a fast prototype, Controller 1 and Controller 2 were run as simple Camel-Mina services run from the command line (external to the ESB) so they were easy to kill to demonstrate failover. In practice, additional Fuse ESB containers would be ideal to host controller services.

Software Requirements:

Installing Fuse

Download and Install JBoss Fuse

  • Download JBoss Fuse at http://www.redhat.com/jbossfuse/download
  • I recommend downloading the .zip or .tar.gz archives rather than the full platform installers.
  • Unzip the archive in a directory without spaces in its path.

Download and Install Fuse IDE (optional, not required for this demo)

Project Layout

There are three modules: applications, controllers and router. Here is the layout in the file system:

  • JBoss Fuse - RouterDemo
    • client
    • controller
    • router

All of the projects’ build and deploy steps can be performed from Fuse IDE or from the command line; I’ll show it from the command line here as it is the simplest to describe, and then show Fuse IDE afterwards.

Start Fuse ESB

Run the command bin/fuse in the root directory of JBoss Fuse. Here is what the console looks like:

Console Image

Building the projects

Launch a new terminal session, and run the command mvn clean install in the root directory of top level project. Make sure all projects build successfully.

Deploy the Router into Fuse ESB

In the JBoss Fuse terminal session run the command:

JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install camel-mina
JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install camel-groovy
JBossFuse:karaf@root> osgi:install -s mvn:com.fusesource.demo/proxy-router/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

You should see output like this, with a Bundle ID generated by the deployment:

JBossFuse:karaf@root> osgi:install -s mvn:com.fusesource.demo/proxy-router/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Bundle ID: 225

Launch the Controllers

Open two new terminal sessions and switch to the root of the controllers project in both. In one session, execute this command to launch Controller 1:

controller$ mvn -P controller1

And in the other execute the command to launch Controller 2:

controller$ mvn -P controller2

Launch Client

Open a new terminal sessions and switch to the root of the applications project. In the session, execute this command to launch the test Client application:

client$ mvn camel:run

You should see the Client sending and receiving messages like below. Notice the response has a element, that initially contains 'Controller 1'

17:44:47 INFO  Apache Camel 2.10.0.redhat-60024 (CamelContext: camel-1) started in 0.573 seconds
17:44:47 INFO  Sending message 1 with data: <data><messageNumber>1</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:47.348</timestamp></data>
17:44:47 INFO  Received 1 message: <data><messageNumber>1</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:47.348</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>
17:44:48 INFO  Sending message 2 with data: <data><messageNumber>2</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:48.335</timestamp></data>
17:44:48 INFO  Received 2 message: <data><messageNumber>2</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:48.335</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>
17:44:49 INFO  Sending message 3 with data: <data><messageNumber>3</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:49.335</timestamp></data>
17:44:49 INFO  Received 3 message: <data><messageNumber>3</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:49.335</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>
17:44:50 INFO  Sending message 4 with data: <data><messageNumber>4</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:50.334</timestamp></data>
17:44:50 INFO  Received 4 message: <data><messageNumber>4</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:50.334</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>
17:44:51 INFO  Sending message 5 with data: <data><messageNumber>5</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:51.334</timestamp></data>
17:44:51 INFO  Received 5 message: <data><messageNumber>5</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:51.334</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>
17:44:52 INFO  Sending message 6 with data: <data><messageNumber>6</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:52.334</timestamp></data>
17:44:52 INFO  Received 6 message: <data><messageNumber>6</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:52.334</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>

Kill the Controller 1 session any way you like, and you should see uninterrupted message flow, with Controller 2 handling the messages (note the changes to 'Controller 2' at message 12):

17:44:56 INFO  Sending message 10 with data: <data><messageNumber>10</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:56.334</timestamp></data>
17:44:56 INFO  Received 10 message: <data><messageNumber>10</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:56.334</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>
17:44:57 INFO  Sending message 11 with data: <data><messageNumber>11</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:57.335</timestamp></data>
17:44:57 INFO  Received 11 message: <data><messageNumber>11</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:57.335</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>
17:44:58 INFO  Sending message 12 with data: <data><messageNumber>12</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:58.334</timestamp></data>
17:44:58 INFO  Received 12 message: <data><messageNumber>12</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:58.334</timestamp><controller>Controller 2</controller></data>
17:44:59 INFO  Sending message 13 with data: <data><messageNumber>13</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:59.334</timestamp></data>
17:44:59 INFO  Received 13 message: <data><messageNumber>13</messageNumber><timestamp>17:44:59.334</timestamp><controller>Controller 2</controller></data>

Restart Controller 1 and you’ll see it take control back from Controller 2 (this is user-defined behavior in the configuration of the failover-load balancer)

17:45:26 INFO  Sending message 40 with data: <data><messageNumber>40</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:26.333</timestamp></data>
17:45:26 INFO  Received 40 message: <data><messageNumber>40</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:26.333</timestamp><controller>Controller 2</controller></data>
17:45:27 INFO  Sending message 41 with data: <data><messageNumber>41</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:27.334</timestamp></data>
17:45:27 INFO  Received 41 message: <data><messageNumber>41</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:27.334</timestamp><controller>Controller 2</controller></data>
17:45:28 INFO  Sending message 42 with data: <data><messageNumber>42</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:28.335</timestamp></data>
17:45:28 INFO  Received 42 message: <data><messageNumber>42</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:28.335</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>
17:45:29 INFO  Sending message 43 with data: <data><messageNumber>43</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:29.335</timestamp></data>
17:45:29 INFO  Received 43 message: <data><messageNumber>43</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:29.335</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>
17:45:30 INFO  Sending message 44 with data: <data><messageNumber>44</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:30.335</timestamp></data>
17:45:30 INFO  Received 44 message: <data><messageNumber>44</messageNumber><timestamp>17:45:30.335</timestamp><controller>Controller 1</controller></data>

To inspect the projects using Fuse IDE, launch Fuse IDE and import the three projects as “Existing Maven Projects”:

Import Maven Projects Image

Navigate to the router project’s camel-context.xml file to see a visual editor for the integration:

Camel Context Image

Switch to the Source tab to see the definition of the integration:

<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
    <route id="route1">
        <from uri="mina:tcp://;sync=true"/>
            <failover maximumFailoverAttempts="-1" roundRobin="false"/>
            <to uri="mina:tcp://localhost:9001?textline=true&amp;sync=true"/>
            <to uri="mina:tcp://localhost:9002?textline=true&amp;sync=true"/>

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