
A scraper for the justwatch.com website

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Just Watch Scraper

A scraper for the justwatch.com website that utilizes their internal APIs. The scraper is capable of localizing the output data by providing an argument on the scrape() method.

To use the scraper:

var scraper = new Scraper()

scraper.scrape("en_US").then(function(response) {

Command Line

The scraper can be called via the command line using node. When the scraper is finished, you will find a file called output.txt in your directory.

node scraper.js <LOCALE>


The Scraper library utilizes the Bluebird promise library where all methods will return a promise.

The scrape("<LOCALE>") method accepts these locales:

en_US, en_CA, en_MX, pt_BR, de_DE, en_GB, en_IE, 
fr_FR, es_ES, en_NL, en_ZA, en_AU, en_NZ