
A basic isomorphic Javascript interface around HTTP requests

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status NPM version

A basic promise-driven Javascript interface for HTTP requests.


$ npm install http-transport


  • Directly accessing HTTP data sources in domain code leads to difficulty in testing and is a violation of SRP.
  • Complicated data abstraction layers are often too heavy-handed or not flexible enough.
  • Writing isomorphic code that uses HTTP requests can be difficult.


This is a very small wrapper around the httpinvoke module that compresses the external API into the four primary HTTP verbs as methods that return a Promise.

The HttpTransport class is meant to be instantiated once and shared throughout the application when domain code needs access to the HTTP layer, e.g. calling REST services.

Using a simple facade to make GET request vs e.g $.get() or the Node http module allows for clean, testable, isomorphic code.


var HttpTransport = require('http-transport');

var transport = new HttpTransport();

transport.get(url, params?): Promise

Execute a GET request with optional query parameters and return a Promise for the response.

// Basic GET
  .then(function(users) {

// With query params (fetches /users?group=admins)
transport.get('/users', { group: 'admins' })
  .then(function(users) {

transport.post(url, data?): Promise

Execute a POST request with optional object data passed as application/x-www-form-urlencoded and return a Promise for the response.

transport.post('/blogs', { content: 'Hello, world!' })
  .then(function(blog) {

transport.put(url, data?): Promise

Execute a PUT request with optional object data passed as application/x-www-form-urlencoded and return a Promise for the response.

transport.put('/users', { id: 123, name: 'Billy' })
  .then(function(user) {

transport.delete(url, params?): Promise

Execute a DELETE request with optional query parameters and return a Promise for the response.

transport.delete('/users', { id: 123 })
  .then(function(resp) {


The JsonpTransport class also implements the AbstractTransport interface and can be used the same as the HttpTransport class, except it will throw an error if any method other than GET is used.

var JsonpTransport = require('http-transport').JsonpTransport;

var transport = new JsonpTransport();



$ npm test
