Primary LanguageJava

MDX Library (Minecraft Development Library X)




Please read the following if you plan on contributing to this project. It is very important to have your development environment set up properly. Aside from that, pull requests that do not follow the same format will not be accepted.

1) Clone The Repository

Open your command line, and execute the following commands:

  1. git clone git@github.com:Ri5ux/MDXLib.git
  2. cd MDXLib

2) Setup the Development Environment

Note: If Gradle is not installed on your system, you may use ./gradlew on Unix based platforms or ./gradlew.bat on Windows platforms.

Note: If you experience any errors setting up your IDE, please run gradle setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies to rule out any dependency related issues.

  1. gradle setupDecompWorkspace
  2. gradle idea
  1. gradle setupDecompWorkspace
  2. gradle eclipse

Updating your Repository

Run the following to sync your copy of the repository up with the latest changes:

  • git pull

If you experience any new errors, it may be due to a dependency change. Please refresh your dependencies:

  • gradle --refresh-dependencies

Building the Project

To initiate the build process, run gradle build. You can find the compiled project artifact in ./build/libs.