
This repository contains:

  1. Data sets created by Jennings and Wlezien (2016).1

  2. R files and R-Jupyter Notebook files for analyses and figures.

  3. GAUSS codes for breakpoint detection are developed by Bai and Perron (1998).2

  4. License: The analytical result and data in this project are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, and the programming code used to generate the result is licensed under the MIT license.

1. Jeenings, Will and Christopher Wlezien. 2016. "The Timeline of Elections: A Comparative Perspective." American Journal of Political Science 60(1): 219-233.

2. Bai, Jushan and Pierre Perron. 1998. "Estimating and Testing Linear Models with Multiple Structural Changes." Econometrica 66(1): 47-78.