
A data set for social diversity studies of GitHub teams

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A data set for social diversity studies of GitHub teams

The data is presented in CSV format and can be directly imported in R. It contains a number of standard measures of (GitHub) activity, including number of committers, team size (committers, pull request submitters, commenters, etc.), number of commits (the most encompassing form of coding contribution to a GitHub project and a representative facet of developer productivity in open source), number of comments (on commits, pull requests, and issues; a measure of the project’s social activity), number of issues opened, number of forks, and number of watchers.

Then, for each quarter (at least 2 quarters of data per project, by construction), we compute the project age (in quarters), the number of female and male contributors, the genders and countries of team members (at least 75% resolved, by construction), their GitHub tenures (in days; capturing global GitHub presence, based on account creation date), commit tenures (in days; capturing global coding experience, based on participation in any GitHub repository), and project tenures (in quarters; local project experience, not restricted to coding), the numbers of contributors leaving (i.e., active in the previous quarter but inactive now), joining (defined analogously), and staying in the team (i.e., in common between w.r.t. previous quarter), as well as the turnover ratio (i.e., the fraction of the team in a given quarter that is different with respect to previous quarter).

Finally, we compute Blau indices of team gender and country diversity, a well-established diversity measure for categorical variables, and coefficients of variation for GitHub, commit, and project tenure, as measures of team tenure diversity.