
React component that displays image data as colored text

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting started

Install react-ascii-image using npm.

npm install react-ascii-image --save

ES6, CommonJS, and UMD builds are available with each distribution. For example:

import { AsciiImage } from 'react-ascii-image'

Alternately you can load a global-friendly UMD build:

<script src="path-to-react-ascii-image/dist/umd/react-ascii-image.js"></script>


React Virtualized has very few dependencies and most are managed by NPM automatically. However the following peer dependencies must be specified by your project in order to avoid version conflicts: react, react-addons-shallow-compare, and react-dom. NPM will not automatically install these for you but it will show you a warning message with instructions on how to install them.


Prop Types

Property Required? Type Default Description
animated bool false Text should be animated.
animationInterval number 500ms Interval (in ms) of animation.
blockSize number 4 Interval sizes to use when sample pixel colors.
characterDensity number 1 Number of characters rendered per font block.
characters string ૱, Ǖ, ¤, ℥, Ω, ⚭, ⚮, ᵯ, ᵿ, §, ₯ Text (characters) to use when rendering the image.
fontSize number 8 Font size used for text image.
renderMode (inline-block | svg) inline-block Controls rendering method of text image.
url string URL of image (can be either remote URL or requireed data)


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { AsciiImage } from 'react-ascii-image';

// Could also be a string URL for remote images
const url = require('path/to/local/image.png')

  <AsciiImage url={url} />,


Use GitHub issues for requests.

I actively welcome pull requests.


Changes are tracked in the changelog.


react-ascii-image is available under the MIT License.