
Code for branch-point modeling of a low-quality sample, given a fixed demographic model learned from high-quality samples. Primarily for sediment libraries.

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This R script implements an EM algorithm for estimating the branching point of a sample X from a larger phylogeny, given a fixed demographic model learned from high-quality samples. In this case, the phylogeny is composed of four high-coverage archaic genomes: three Neandertals (Altai Neandertal, Vindija 33.19, Chagyrskaya 8) and one Denisovan (Denisova 3). For a demographic model with tips T, one can calculate the probability of observing a derived allele in X, given that X branches from a specific part of the model, and given the tip genotypes. These probabilities are then informative for the branching point of the sample X. An example using Neandertals and Denisovans is given in the figure below, where P(X = 1) is the probability of observing a derived allele in X.

given joint frequency spectra for X and T at arbitrary branching points of X from the tree, estimate the most likely branching point of X from the model. I have used this for estimating the split time of low-quality archaic hominin samples. for branch-point modeling of a low-quality sample, . Primarily used for sediment libraries.

Input Data

Genotype file

The genotypes are read from a tab-delimited file, with one line per read. This represents a typical file:

chrom pos freqs.FLAG v_gt c_gt a_gt d_gt sed_gt f_mh.yri deam53 lib
11 115953451 invar 2 2 2 2 1 1 FALSE A16112
1 52606336 transi 2 2 2 0 1 0 TRUE A16112
2 125524971 . 0 0 0 0 0 0.2037037 FALSE A16112
8 133156471 . 1 0 0 0 0 0 FALSE A16112
16 50532171 transi 0 0 0 0 0 0.09259259 FALSE A16112
15 65654559 invar 2 2 2 2 1 1 FALSE A16112

The following columns are required:

chrom Chromosome
pos Positionm
freqs.FLAG A flag indicating certain categories of site. 'invar' indicates sites that are derived in all known hominins, and is used to calculate faunal contamination. 'transi' indicates transition sites. '.' is everything else.
v_gt Derived diploid genotype in Vindija 33.19 (0/1/2).
c_gt Derived diploid genotype in Chagyrskaya 8 (0/1/2).
a_gt Derived diploid genotype in the Altai Neandertal (0/1/2).
d_gt Derived diploid genotype in Denisova 5 (the high coverage Denisovan) (0/1/2).
sed_gt Derived haploid genotype in the sample of interest (0/1).
f_mh.yri Derived allele frequency in a modern human population - here, YRI.
deam53 Is this read deaminated (TRUE/FALSE)
lib Library ID

Example commands


time Rscript R/estim_branchpoints_from_sims.R \
    -gts $genos  \
    --sims $sims \
    -nc 1 \
    --tag-labels mylib \
    --tags A16112 \
    -sites all \
    --sim-method simple \
    --libs A16112 \
    -f-mh f_mh.yri \
    --n-qc1 0 \
    -table em_output.A16112.tsv \
    --faunal-der-rate 0.0 \
    --num-em-iters 100 \
    --ll-surface \
    --nsteps 0

This command creates the file em_output.A16112.tsv, which contains the MLE for faunal contamination, modern human contamination, branch, and branchtime, across all possible branches. To create a larger file with the MLE of contamination parameters for a random set of branchtimes on all branches, change the flag --nsteps 0 to --nsteps 1 or some other number, depending on the desired resolution. The resulting output can be used to make likelihood surface plots across the entire tree, as shown in Figure 4d of the accompanying manuscript.

The format of em_output.A16112.tsv is:

rg mh_contam faunal_prop nsnps branchtime branch man.max.ll man.max.ll.last n.iter my.t.idx max.ll step.x mylib
A16112_rg_1_FALSE 0.01930535 4.00E-10 1616 0.82130775 v -261.27706 -261.27706 13 0 -261.27706 0 A16112
A16112_rg_1_TRUE 6.37E-10 9.07E-11 886 0.82130775 v -261.27706 -261.27706 13 0 -261.27706 0 A16112

With the following columns:

rg Read Group - this is a group of reads which are analyzed together. Typically, this is all deaminated (TRUE) or non-deaminated (FALSE) reads in one or more libraries.
mh_contam Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of modern human contamination in this read group.
faunal_prop MLE of faunal contamination in this read group.
nsnps Number of SNPs in this read group.
branchtime MLE branchtime - this is estimated on all read groups together (typically, deam and non-deam reads of one or more libraries).
branch MLE branch.
man.max.ll Log-Likelihood of MLE solutions.
man.max.ll.last Next-to-last log-likelihood (can be used to identify the change in LL in the last step).
n.iter Number of EM iterations performed.
my.t.idx When performing a likelihood surface calculation, which gridpoint is this?
max.ll When performing a likelihood surface calculation, the global maximum LL.
step.x When performing a likelihood surface calculation, the step in the grid search.
mylib Library ID (from column 'lib' in genotypes file).