
This is an aws serverless application that implements an API gateway to perform create,read,update,delete operations on a dynamoDB table. The table is the very start of a user managment system.

user table schema:

attribute data type notes
userName_pk0 String primary key , indexed with userName-Index
firstName String user first name
lastName String user last name
postalCode Number user postal code


The serverless application is intented to be delpoyed with the aws SAM cli. If there is a predefined samconfig.toml, the application will be deployed to the region defined there.

sam deploy --template-file dynamo-api-CRUD.yaml --stack-name dynamo-api

If there is no samconfig.toml, then the application can be deployed in a guided mode. The guided mode will step the user through any details necessary.

sam deploy --template-file dynamo-api-CRUD.yaml --guided

Once deployed the sam cli will output the api key id and the base url to access. You will need to get the actual api key in the API gateway section of your AWS instance after deployment.

CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack
Key                 ApiKeyId                                                                                                                       
Description         API Key Id                                                                                                                     
Value               XXXXXXXXXX                                                                                                                     

Key                 ApiRootUrl                                                                                                                     
Description         Root Url of the API                                                                                                            

API Usage

Here are the urls and example cURL command that use API.

Create: POST /v1/user Body:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{

Read GET /v1/user/{username}

curl --location '' \

Update PUT /v1/user/{username}

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{

Delete DELETE /v1/user/{username}

curl --location --request DELETE '' \