
This project creates a CI/CD pipeline using Ansible Tower Workflow Template to provision 2 environments and deploy the 3 Tier Application code to both environments. The QA environment is using a private OpenStack cloud and the PROD environment is using AWS.

The QA environment contains 3 playbooks:

  • Provision_OSP.yml: Provisions OpenStack infrastructure and instances as required by the 3 Tier Application
  • Configure_3TA_OSP.yml: Deploys and configures the 3 Tier Application
  • Cleanup_OSP.yml: Removes OpenStack instances used by 3 Tier Application

The OpenStack environment is behind a firewall and as such the inventory is composed of the jumphost only. The required ssh configuration to allow connectivity by means of the jumphost is provided in ssh.cfg file.


  • This playbook takes all its variables from osp_vars.yml file and creates all the OpenStack infrastructure needed by the 3 Tier Application:
    • OSP Networks
    • OSP SSH Keypair
    • OSP Security Groups
    • OSP Nova Flavor
    • OSP Instances


  • This playbook uses in-memory dynamic inventory to provision 3 Tier Application:
  • HAProxy on the frontend server to load balance between application servers.
  • Tomcat on the application servers.
  • PostgreSQL on the database server.


  • This playbook is used in the even that the Provision_OSP.yml or Configure_3TA_OSP.yml playbooks fail and it removes:
    • OSP Instances
    • OSP Nova Flavor
  • This playbook takes all its variables from osp_cleanup_vars.yml file.

The PROD environment contains 2 playbooks:

  • Provision_AWS.yml: Provisions OpenStack infrastructure and instances as required by the 3 Tier Application
  • Configure_3TA_AWS.yml: Deploys and configures the 3 Tier Application


  • This playbook takes all its variables from aws_vars.yml file and creates all the AWS infrastructure needed by the 3 Tier Application by requesting an Opentlc predefined service called PROD_THREE_TIER_APP.
  • The playbook is using Ansible Vault to provide secure credentials for authenticating to Opentlc to request the service.
  • The playbook wait 10 min for the environment to be provisioned.


  • This playbook uses Ansible Tower AWS EC2 dynamic inventory feature to provision 3 Tier Application:
    • HAProxy on the frontend server to load balance between application servers.
    • Tomcat on the application servers.
    • PostgreSQL on the database server.
  • The AWS EC2 dynamic inventory creates groups in the format tag_AnsibleGroup_, where group is replaced by the actual groups defined in the service during provisioning: apps, appdbs, frontends, bastions