
Max WebGL context number

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Hello guys
I recently found out that I couldn't use more than 8 YUV canvas with WebGL enabled in chrome (but no problems in firefox) and I got this error when trying to draw frames

WebGLFrameSink.js?b461:54 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'shaderSource' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': parameter 1 is not of type 'WebGLShader'.
    at compileShader (WebGLFrameSink.js?b461:54)
    at initProgram (WebGLFrameSink.js?b461:276)
    at init (WebGLFrameSink.js?b461:314)
    at WebGLFrameSink.self.drawFrame (WebGLFrameSink.js?b461:343)

It would apparently be caused by a "max WebGL active contexts limit" but i can't find many informations about it

that's why i suggest if you have a clue about how to deal with this that we add the support for webGL: auto that detects if webGL can be used (for this specific canvas ie if limit has not been reached) and falls back to cpu if not