
Operating Systems & Drivers Coursework 2

Primary LanguagePython


Operating Systems & Drivers Coursework 2

MySQL Database

In docker environment, use the mysql -u root -p command to launch the MySQL database and type the password provided.

Create the database:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE w1646608;

To show databases:


Use the database:

mysql> USE w1646608;

Show tables:


Create table with numbers field:

mysql> CREATE TABLE numbers (number_id int auto_increment primary key, number varchar(2) NOT null);

Show all data in a table:

mysql> SELECT * FROM numbers;

Show table structure:

mysql> DESCRIBE numbers;

Show numbers table content:

mysql> SELECT * FROM numbers;

Insert data:

mysql> INSERT INTO numbers(number) values ('22')

Launch the Python Virtual Environment

All python modules and pakcages are already installed in the virtual enviroment. Launch the virtual environment with:

source /python/bin/activate

This will cause the enviroment to be shown in brackets indicating the virtual environment is active.

Example: (python) [null@arch osd-cw-2]$

From this point on, run any of the files. The virtual environment containts the needed library to run.

To run the file, use: ./run.sh && ./main