
My ZSH Shell Configuration

Primary LanguageShell

dot files

pipeline status

This is my current set of dotfiles. It has been rewritten to be based heavily on https://github.com/holman/dotfiles


git clone https://gitlab.com/matthewfranglen/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles

This requires pip3 and neovim to be installed:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV= pip3 install neovim --user

Per Host Customization

You can add host conditional changes with the ~/.localrc file which will be sourced at the end. You can add host specific plugins to ~/.local-plugins.


Yeah, it's that bad.

docker build --tag dotfiles --no-cache .
docker run --volume $PWD:/root/.dotfiles --rm -ti dotfiles

If successful, this will launch a zsh shell inside the docker container. You can use this to check that all required commands are available.