
misc. hail utils

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This Hail Batch pipeline registers your Hail Batch service account with Terra.
The -e arg should be the service account email address listed under "Google Service Account:" @ https://auth.hail.is/user.

Command line options:

~$ python3 register_hail_batch_service_account_as_terra_user.py --help

usage: register_hail_batch_service_account_as_terra_user.py [-h] -b BILLING_PROJECT -t TMP_BUCKET -e EMAIL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Your Hail Batch billing project.
  -t TMP_BUCKET, --tmp-bucket TMP_BUCKET
                        Hail Batch temp bucket.
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        Your Hail Batch service account's email address. To find this, go to https://batch.hail.is and click on your username in the top right.


# This registers the Hail Batch weisburd-wfz@hail-vdc.iam.gserviceaccount.com service account with Terra

python3 register_hail_batch_service_account_as_terra_user.py \
    -t gs://delete-after-5days \
    -b my-billing-project \
    -e weisburd-wfz@hail-vdc.iam.gserviceaccount.com

NOTE: This step is required before your Hail Batch service account can be granted access to Terra buckets (as described in "When and how to use a service account in Terra").