
A simple Yeoman generator using Git submodules to clone over a boilerplate hosted elsewhere on GitHub

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Boilerplate Generator Template

A simple Yeoman generator using Git submodules to clone over a boilerplate hosted elsewhere on GitHub.

Getting started

These are a few things you will want to customize:

  1. git submodule add YOUR-REPO-ON-GITHUB app/templates
  2. README.md: Anywhere you see 'boilerplate' should be customized with the name of the generator you are creating (e.g generator-awesome)
  3. package.json: Customize the repository, author and dependencies.

You can then test out your generator without pushing to npm using npm install -g and yo awesome (where awesome is the name of your generator).

Usage (for your end-users)

  1. Install Yeoman: npm install -g yo
  2. Install the generator: npm install -g generator-boilerplate
  3. Run: yo boilerplate
  4. Start using Boilerplate