
A small client-side router

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mopac Router


mopac-router is a small, zero-dependency client-side router.


mopac-router can be installed via npm or used through unpkg:

via npm:

npm install mopac-router

via unpkg:

import { HistoryRouter } from "https://unpkg.com/mopac-router?module";


mopac-router is completely framework agnostic and can be dropped into any client-side project.

This package currently does not ship with any framework specific bindings, but some are on the roadmap for future inclusion.

Mopac is Typescript native so typings are included out of the box.

Instantiating a router instance

A new Router instance can be created by declaring a new HistoryRouter.

import { HistoryRouter } from "mopac-router";

const router = new HistoryRouter();

Declaring routes

Routes are declared though the router.route method and accepts two arguments: The route's path and a handler callback. The handler will fire on a successful routeChange event:

router.route("/about", () => {
  console.log("I'm on the about page!");

Dynamic segments

Dynamic segmenting is also supported. The segments are passed to the handler as an object.

router.route("/user/:userId", ({ userId }) => console.log(`hello, ${user}`));

Search params can be accessed through the search property on the browser's Location object.

Starting the router

The router will not start listening for routeChange events until router.start() has been called. This needs to be done after the routes have been declared. This ensures that if the browser’s current path is a declared route, it’s captured by the router, matched, and fires the corresponding handler.

The start method will also setup the routeChange and popstate .

All this is done through simply calling the router.start() method.

Navigating routes

A route can be changed through firing a routeChange custom event. mopac-router ships with a utility function, changeRoute that wraps a routeChange dispatcher.

import { changeRoute } from "mopac-router";

// If using React/Preact...
const Link = ({ to, title, children }) => (
    onClick={(e) => {


import Preact from "preact";
import { useCallback, useState } from "preact/hooks";
import { HistoryRouter, changeRoute } from "mopac-router";

const router = new Router();

const Link = ({ to, title, children }) => (
    onClick={(e) => {

const Home = () => <h1>Home</h1>;

const About = () => <h1>About</h1>;

const App = () => {
  const [route, setRoute] = useState(null);

  router.route("/", () => setRoute(Home));
  route.route("/about", () => setRoute(About));

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [route, router]);

  return (
          <Link to="/" title="Home page">
          <Link to="/about" title="About page">

Building & Testing


The package can be built though the build script contained in package.json:

npm run build (or yarn build)

The build will be outputted to dist/ directory.


Unit tests can be ran via the test script:

npm run test (or yarn test)