Combating Unknown Bias with Effective Bias-Conflicting Scoring and Gradient Alignment

Models notoriously suffer from dataset biases which are detrimental to robustness and generalization. The identify-emphasize paradigm shows a promising effect in dealing with unknown biases. However, we find that it is still plagued by two challenges: A, the quality of the identified bias-conflicting samples is far from satisfactory; B, the emphasizing strategies just yield suboptimal performance. In this work, for challenge A, we propose an effective bias-conflicting scoring method to boost the identification accuracy with two practical strategies -- peer-picking and epoch-ensemble. For challenge B, we point out that the gradient contribution statistics can be a reliable indicator to inspect whether the optimization is dominated by bias-aligned samples. Then, we propose gradient alignment, which employs gradient statistics to balance the contributions of the mined bias-aligned and bias-conflicting samples dynamically throughout the learning process, forcing models to leverage intrinsic features to make fair decisions. Experiments are conducted on multiple datasets in various settings, demonstrating that the proposed solution can alleviate the impact of unknown biases and achieve state-of-the-art performance.


pip install -r requirements.txt


There are five datasets used in this repository: Colored MNIST, Corrupted CIFAR-101, Corrupted CIFAR-102, Biased Waterbirds and Biased CelebA. Please prepare these datasets as following.

  • For Colored MNIST, Corrupted CIFAR-101 and Corrupted CIFAR-102, please run

    python3 ./data/

    Then, the directory structures will be as following:

    ├── mnist
    │   ├── ColoredMNIST-Skewed0.005-Severity4
    │   ├── ColoredMNIST-Skewed0.01-Severity4
    │   ├── ColoredMNIST-Skewed0.02-Severity4
    │   ├── ColoredMNIST-Skewed0.05-Severity4
    │   └── MNIST
    └── cifar10
        ├── CorruptedCIFAR10-Type0-Skewed0.005-Severity4
        ├── CorruptedCIFAR10-Type0-Skewed0.01-Severity4
        ├── CorruptedCIFAR10-Type0-Skewed0.02-Severity4
        ├── CorruptedCIFAR10-Type0-Skewed0.05-Severity4
        ├── CorruptedCIFAR10-Type1-Skewed0.005-Severity4
        ├── CorruptedCIFAR10-Type1-Skewed0.01-Severity4
        ├── CorruptedCIFAR10-Type1-Skewed0.02-Severity4
        ├── CorruptedCIFAR10-Type1-Skewed0.05-Severity4
        └── CIFAR10
  • For Biased Waterbirds, please download it following .

    └── waterbird
        ├── img
        │   ├── 001.Black_footed_Albatross
        │   │   ├── Black_Footed_Albatross_0001_796111.jpg
        │   │   ├── ...
        │   │   └── Black_Footed_Albatross_0090_796077.jpg
        │   ├── 002.Laysan_Albatross
        │   ├── ...
        │   ├── 199.Winter_Wren
        │   └── 200.Common_Yellowthroat
        ├── train.txt
        └── valid.txt
  • For Biased CelebA, please download it following .

    └── celeba
        ├── img_align_celeba
        │   ├── 000001.jpg
        │   ├── ...
        │   └── 202599.jpg
        ├── list_attr_celeba.txt
        ├── list_bbox_celeba.txt
        ├── list_landmarks_align_celeba.txt
        ├── identity_CelebA.txt
        └── list_eval_partition.txt 


The debiasing methods are provided in ./debiasing/ and complete scripts are provided in ./scripts/. Here, we present the examples for Colored MNIST ($\rho=0.99$).

  • Vanilla
python3 ./debiasing/ --cfg './configs/mnist.yaml' --dataset_tag 'ColoredMNIST-Skewed0.01-Severity4' --main_tag 'vanilla'
  • GA
python3 ./debiasing/ --cfg './configs/mnist.yaml' --dataset_tag 'ColoredMNIST-Skewed0.01-Severity4' --main_tag 'ga' --gamma 1.6
  • ECS+GA
python3 ./mining/ --cfg './configs/mnist.yaml' --dataset_tag 'ColoredMNIST-Skewed0.01-Severity4' --main_tag 'det_peer' --eta 0.5

python3 ./debiasing/ --cfg './configs/mnist.yaml' --dataset_tag 'ColoredMNIST-Skewed0.01-Severity4' --main_tag 'ecsga' --gamma 1.6 --bmodel 'det_peer_eta0.5' 

The trained models and logs will be saved in ./results/.


The code is greatly inspired by (heavily from) the LfF.