Extracting SoVI variables

This is a small documentation to know how to get the variables to create a Social Vulnerability Index.

The variables used to generate this index are extracted from Canada Census database, through the CanCensus R-package. If you want to use this library, you should to create an account and create an API Key in the link referenced.

The extraction of these variables were done in the 2016 Canadian Census, but also is possible extract the variables for the 2021 Census. Each one of these variables has its respective code in CanCensus.

Factor Variable Description Variable Code Abbreviation CanCensus Code 2016 CanCensus Code 2021
1 Social One-person households (%) ONEPERHH v_CA16_510 v_CA21_553
2 Social Official language knowledge (People who know neither English nor French) % NOLANG v_CA16_524 v_CA21_1156
3 Social Inhabitants with age 15 or older with no certificate/diploma/degree (%) NODEGREE v_CA16_5054 v_CA21_5820
4 Social Lone-parent families (%) LONEPARENT v_CA16_497 v_CA21_528
5 Infrastructure and built environment Inhabitants who are not living in suitable accommodations according to the National Occupancy Standard (NOS) % CROWDHOME v_CA16_4861 v_CA21_4262
6 Infrastructure and built environment Inhabitants living in private dwellings in need of major repair REPAIRHOME v_CA16_4872 v_CA21_4274
7 Infrastructure and built environment Inhabitants whose primary mode of transportation is public transit such as bus, subway, ferry PUBTRANSIT v_CA16_5801 v_CA21_7644
8 Infrastructure and built environment People whose place of residence was in the same CSD but a different dwelling a year ago  MOVERS v_CA16_6698 v_CA21_5751
9 Infrastructure and built environment The population of renters (%) RENTER v_CA16_4838 v_CA21_4239
10 Infrastructure and built environment Apartments in buildings with five or more storeys (%) APT5STORY v_CA16_410 v_CA21_440
11 Infrastructure and built environment Dwellings that had been built before 1960 BUILT1960 v_CA16_4863 v_CA21_4264
12 Economic Recipient of government transfers GOVTRANSFER v_CA16_2222 v_CA21_581
13 Economic Annual family income less than $30,000 (after tax) % LOWINCOME v_CA16_2570 v_CA21_1085
14 Economic Annual family income less than $30,000 (after tax) for senior people (65 or above) LOWINCSENIOR v_CA16_2570 v_CA21_1097
15 Economic Households with a shelter-cost-to-income ratio of over 30% SHELTCOSTR v_CA16_4888 v_CA21_4290
16 Economic Unemployed people with age 15 or above (%) UNEMPLOYED v_CA16_5606 v_CA21_6501
17 Economic Median total income of households in 2015 ($) MEDHHINC v_CA16_2397 v_CA21_906
18 Economic The median value of dwellings ($) MEDHOMVAL v_CA16_4895 v_CA21_4311
19 Economic People (aged 15 or above) that are not in the labour force (%) NILF v_CA16_5609 v_CA21_6504
20 Demographic Population density POPDENSITY v_CA16_406 v_CA21_6
21 Demographic Inhabitants aged 0 to 15 (%) BELOW15 v_CA16_385 v_CA21_11
22 Demographic Inhabitants aged 65 or older (%) SENIOR v_CA16_391 v_CA21_251
23 Demographic Female population (%) FEMALE v_CA16_384 v_CA21_10
24 Cultural People who recently immigrated (%) RECENTIMMIGNT v_CA16_3432 v_CA21_4431
25 Cultural Inhabitants with first-nation status (%) FIRSTGEN v_CA16_3822 v_CA21_4821
26 Cultural Inhabitants, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour VISMIN v_CA16_3990 v_CA21_4908
27 Cultural Aboriginal Peoples (%) ABORIGINAL v_CA16_3855 -

Extracting the boundaries:

The first step is to get the Census boundaries that we want to get the data in this case we choose Diseemination Area (DA), Census Division (CD), Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), Census Sub Division (CSD) and provinces (PR).

The flow work will consist in create an Cache, Input and Output folder. So, we will donwload the boundaries files from Census 2016 and Census 2021 and create an folder for the Area of Interest example input\boundaries_21DA\ and we extract the donwload content in there, so we will get an url as input\boundaries_21DA\lda_000b21a_e\lda_000b21a_e.shp. Once set-up this flow-work is moment to start to query to CanCensus RPackage.

The next example can be find in the .R files, and its replicate for each scale mentioned above (DA,CD,CMA,CT,PR) for the Census 2021. For this replication in the code, we started to query through Dissemination Area scale, and the dataset response worked as input to define the regions parameter for the queries in the another scales.

1. Opening the boundaries.


options(cancensus.api_key = "youAPIKEY")
set_cancensus_cache_path(paste0(here::here(),"\\cache"))                                                 # Set-up the  cache
boundaries21<-st_read(paste0(here::here(),"\\input\\boundaries_21DA\\lda_000b21a_e\\lda_000b21a_e.shp")) # Reading the boundary file

2. Set-up the variables of interest with its abbreviation form.


# It is important to keep the same order between the variable code and its abbreviation.


3. Querying to CanCensus

The Query will be divided in two parts, in the region parameter will be necessary to change the extension according the boundaring file

query21da<-get_census(dataset='CA21',                                     # Choose the census year, for example for 2016 will be CA16
                       regions= list(DA=boundaries21$DAUID[1:(57932/2)]), # In 2016, for example, will be 56589 instead 57932
                       vector=query,                                      # The variables to query
                       level="DA",                                        # The scale to query
                       use_cache = F)
query21da_2<-get_census(dataset='CA21',                                   # Choose the census year, for example for 2016 will be CA16
                       regions= list(DA=boundaries21$DAUID[1:(57932/2)]), # In 2016, for example, will be 56589 instead 57932
                       vector=query,                                      # The variables to query
                       level="DA",                                        # The scale to query
                       use_cache = F)
#Joining the datasets

rm(query21da_2) #removing the second query no save memory

4. Changing the name to the columns

code_abvt<-data.frame(code=query,abbrvtn=nombres)           # We create an code abbreviation

#We create a function to repeat the same process with all the datasets:

  target<-tail(sub(":.*", "", colnames(x)),n=26)            # We are defining the last 26 columns, they are the variable of interest
  code_rplcmnt<-code_abvt[match(target,code_abvt$code),]    # We said that our code_abvt should match in order with our dataset query
  print(code_rplcmnt$code==target)                          # Say us if  our code_abvt has the same order that our dataset
  code_rplcmnt$code                                         # This keep this data in this section of the function
  a<-ncol(x)-26                                             # We try to capture how many columns before our variable of interest there are
  b<-a+48                                                   # We sum it to this so this is the extension of our dataset
  colnames(x)[a+1:b]<-code_rplcmnt$abbrvtn                  # We start to replace it 
  x                                                         # This keep this data in this section of the function
  return(x)                                                 # Return the results

query21da_form<-col_format(query21da)                       # Aplying the function to our dataset query

5. Saving the results

write.csv(query21da,"output/rawdata/csv/query21cd.csv")                 # We save the results in csv format
writexl::write_xlsx(query21da,"output/rawdata/xlsx/query21da.xlsx")     # We save the results in excel format

How was mentioned above the code can be find in the next .R files:

01_cancensus-2021.R: Dissemination Area queries - Census 2021.
02_scales-2021.R: Queries another scales, no Dissemination Area - Census 2021.
03_queries-2016.R: Queries for all the scales - Census 2016.