
Lame language compiler

Primary LanguageGo

lame compiler suite

I'm making a Spin compiler. Why?

  • Spin is an interesting language for its limitations

  • LameStation has years of content built around a subset of Spin

  • The ecosystem is fragmented and not fully specified

  • A documented lexer/parser would enable many kinds of analyses

  • This gives me an excuse to learn Go





  • To compile Spin objects:

    lame build
  • To load Spin objects over serial:

    lame load
  • To enable a live build/load/debug cycle over serial

    lame dev
  • To reformat Spin code accurately:

    lame fmt
  • To generate documentation from any Spin object:

    lame doc
  • To push and pull Spin objects to/from a remote repo:

    # upload an object to the repo
    lame up
    # pull an object
    lame down pst=1.0.0
  • To support multiple code generator backends (Propeller VM?)

Finer Goals

  • To write a (semi-)formal specification for the Spin language

  • To perform code generation for the Propeller 1

  • To support an alternative VM target for desktop / browser use

  • To support direct addressing via the @ symbol

  • To add a path system to Spin:

        obj : "path.to.module"
  • To add automatic constant folding

  • To reduce the number of operators / keywords


  • Identity - Translate the input to the AST and re-emit to the output

  • Reverse engineer Propeller binary format