
Micro eBook on Getting Started with Angular on Rails

Primary LanguageCSS

Getting Started with Angular on Ruby on Rails

This is the source of http://angular-rails.com. To build it, you'll need to do a few things:

  • bundle install or install the bookingit gem
  • Create the file git_repos
  • In git_repos, check out https://github.com/davetron5000/receta This contains all the source files needed to build the book.

Once this is done, type bookingit build, then open book/index.html in your browser. Whenever you change something, re-run that command.

Changes to the source

bookingit uses git tags and such to generate the source and diffs in the book. This allows me to know that everything is working and control what's being displayed. Unfortunately, if something needs to change, this breaks all the tags and SHA-1s. I haven't sorted out a good way to fix this yet.