Final Project Report 2021

To submit final project proposal:

  • For this repository, and clone your forked copy.
  • Create a directory named <net-id1>-<net-id2> where net-id1 is the NYU NetID of the first member of your group, and net-id2 is the NetID of the second member. For example if your NetID is ja111 and your partner's NetID is pb122 then you should create a directory named ja111-pb122. If you are working on the project alone your directory should just be named <net-id>, and if you are in a three person group your directory should be named <net-id1>-<net-id2>-<net-id3>.
  • Copy your project report to this directory. The project report can either be a markdown file or a PDF file. If submitting a PDF please make sure it is formatted reasonably. Aim for brevity, your report should be short but communicate what you think were the most important things you found.
  • Commit your changes, and push to your forked copy.
  • Submit a pull request to this repository, entitle you pull request Project Proposal <net ID 1> <net ID 2>.