
helper library to do regression tests with abc2svg

Primary LanguageRubyGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


This repository provides an environment to to regression tests for abc2svg (https://github.com/moinejf/abc2svg)

  • it is implemented this using ruby / rake / spec
  • it uses abcnode to create process a bunch of inputfiles. It captures HTML from stdout and log from stderr
  • it uses rspec as unit test framework to compare the results with a reference and to examine if the generated html contains "*** Abort“
  • it collects the test cases from a source directory
  • it stores the test-evaluation in a file based on abc2svg git describe
  • It can process all test cases or selected ones


  • ruby 2.4.1
  • bundler
  • abc2svg
  • node


  1. clone this repository to {wherever}/test-abc2svg-lib

  2. cd to {wherever}/test-abc2svg-lib

  3. install the required ruby gems

    bundle install 
  4. install pixelmatch (https://github.com/mapbox/pixelmatch)

    npm install -g pixelmatch
  5. create a folder for your testdata, e.g. {wherever}/test-abc2svg

  6. cd to {wherever}/test-abc2svg

  7. create {wherever}/test-abc2svg/rakefile.rb

    require '../test-abc2svg-lib/rakefile.rb'
  8. create {wherever}/test-abc2svg/config.mft.rb

    testfolder = "."
    $conf      = {
        testoutputfolder:    "#{testfolder}/test-output",
        testreferencefolder: "#{testfolder}/test-reference",
        testresultfolder:    "#{testfolder}/test-results",
        testdifffolder:      "#{testfolder}/test-diff",
        testsourcefolder:    "#{testfolder}/test-source",
        sourcefiles:         Dir["../**/*.abc"].uniq {|f| File.basename(f)}, 
        chrome:              '/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome',
        abc2svghome:         "../abc2svg"

    Be sure to enter a proper glob patten for sourcefiles:

    The entry chrome: is optional. It should point to the executeable for headless chromee. If it is given we get visual diffs in testdifffolder.

  9. initialize

    rake init    
  10. list available tasks

  11. collect the sources

    rake buildsources
  12. create first reference

    rake rspec
    rake buildreference
  13. commit this to git if you wish


list the rake tasks by



  • the very first rspec run will flag all examples to fail since there is no reference
  • if you take all your available abc files, there might be dupliate filenames in diffent folders. The example configuration avoids this by uniq {|f| File.basename(f)}
  • you need to investigate failing results in test-output


This stuff is proviced under the same conditions as abc2svg:

// abc2svg-core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// abc2svg-core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.