
This repository contains course documents for CMSE 402, "Principles of Scientific Visualization"

CMSE 402, "Visualization of Scientific Datasets"

This is the student Git repository for CMSE 402. It contains a bunch of materials that will be used in CMSE 402. This includes (in various directories):

  • admin/ -- administrative things like
  • readings/ -- course readings
  • project/ -- semester project information

This repository will be updated regularly during the course of the semester.

Note that many documents in this repository use Markdown as a formatting language (which is very similar to the language used in wikis). See https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax or https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet for more information and instructions on how to use this language. You can read this easily with any text editor, but for proper formatting you should look at it with a Markdown editor (e.g., MacDown for OS X: https://macdown.uranusjr.com/).