
Reasonable Neovim defaults

Primary LanguageVim script


With Neovim, the list of "must set" settings got a lot shorter because it comes with better defaults. But there is still a bunch of settings that most people will set when they create a new init.vim file. These are the most generic settings (in my opinion) that one would add to a init.vim before getting started coding.

The goal of this plugin isn't to be a complete starter, because there is a lot of personal preference that differs between us vimmers. But it might be a good starter for many of us.

Example init.vim using vim-plug

My personal favourite plugin manager for vim is vim-plug, use whichever you prefer.

call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
  Plug 'bwot/init.neovim'
  Plug 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'             " Hundreds of colorschemes o_O
call plug#end()

let mapleader=","                           " Use , instead of \ as leader
set background=dark                         " Use dark background
colorscheme Monokai                         " From flazz/vim-colorschemes

" Escape is very very far from the homerow
inoremap jj <esc>
" Stop the highlighting with ,space
nmap <Leader><Space> :noh<CR>

Because of those Neovim defaults, a minimal nvim config is a lot shorter than it used to be in good old vim. And with init.neovim as our base, all we need is a couple of lines.


This is early. While I tried to make this almost as basic as possible, there are still things that I may not have understood correctly and that might change if someone points it out to me. A goal would be to keep it as solid as possible.

If you agree with this, feel free to use it. If not, feel free to comment.


  • 0.6 - Improved - Still room for more!
  • 0.5 - Room for improvements!