
React application used to access serverless framework using Cognito

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React + Redux application that works with the SaaS Serverless Identity microservices architecture.

This single page application is designed to work the with SaaS Serverless Identity reference architecture SaaSServerless-Identity. The SaaS Serverless Identity application is based on an AWS Quickstart called SaaS Identity Cognito. For more information about the AWS quickstart see SaaS identity and isolation with Amazon Cognito

This is the client code for this application. It is written using React + Redux and demonstrates how to do login and authentication using the details outlined in the AWS Quickstart.

Some difference between the AWS Quickstart and this implementation are the following:

  • An install option was added to the application to allow creation of the initial system Tenant
  • The application uses action + reducers to maintain the state while getting data from the microservices.
  • It uses the service Discover process to get the URLs for each of the microservices. A single serviceURL is passed to the client and it then looksup the specific URL for each of the microservices. So, if things are moved, the client would not have to be rebuilt.


You will need the following items installed before you can start the installation.

  • Node.js v8.10 or later
  • Serverless CLI v1.9.0 or later. See Serverless Quickstart for more details.
  • An AWS account. A free tier account will work with minimal cost. The account should have admin permissions, or ability to create resources on AWS.
  • Setup provider Credentials. See Serverless Quickstart for more details.
  • Clone github repository.
git clone https://github.com/bwsolutions/SaaSServerless-Client.git


You will need to make a couple configuration changes before you build the application.

Create Bucket / website name
  • edit "serverless.yml" file. Change the following line at the top of the file to something unique. This is used as part of a bucket name for the static websiteURL.


service: saasserverless-client


service: saasserverless-client-yourname
Change AWS region
  • The client assumes this is being deployed in the us-east-1 region. If you installed the services in another region you will need to update the client configuration.
    • Edit the src/App/config.js file
    • this file has different sections based on stage. default is dev, so under dev: change the apiGateway.REGION to be a valid AWS region name.
Set Service Discovery ENDPOINT

First we need to go to SaaSServerless-Identity installation and get the ServiceEndpoint.

# in the SaaSServerless-Identity directory 
cd serviceDiscovery
sls info -v 
  • Find "ServiceEndpoint" under Stack Output. Copy the URL. it should look something like below where API_REST_ID is a unique code created by AWS.
  • using the above URL, we need to update the src/App/config.js file.

    • edit the src/App/config.js
    • change the 'YOUR_DEV_SERVICE_API_URL' to be the URL you got above.


Install the packages from top level Client directory. The following steps need to be done once to install the needed components.

cd SaasServerless-Client
npm install

To run from S3 static website

Next we need build and deploy the app to the static website. The step will create the client and then create the S3 bucket and sync the files to the bucket.

npm run build
npm run deploy 

To update application and website

If you make any code changes, you will need to build the application and they sync with the S3 bucket. The following commands will do this.

npm run build
sls s3sync

To start application

Access the static website. Use the URL for the S3 Bucket. To get this URL enter the following command and get the URL from the "StaticWebsiteURL" under Stack Outputs

# make sure you are in the top level directory
sls info -v

Copy and paste the URL into your browser.

Running the Application

The client application works just like the AWS Quickstart SaaS identity and isolation with Amazon Cognito. You can use the guide for details about the application and services structure.

There are some slight differences between the two applications.

  • The AWS Quickstart uses CloudFormation to deploy the application AND create the system tenant based on initial parameters.
  • This application uses an Install step from the client to create the system Tenant. The steps are listed below in Initial setup.

Otherwise the applications should work virtually the same.

Initial setup

The first step we need to do is create they system User or System Admin Tenant.

  • Go to "StaticWebsiteURL/install" where StaticWebsiteURL is the URL of the website (see 'To Start Application' section above)
  • Fill in the form. You MUST provide a valid email address, because an email will be sent with a temporary password to login.
  • You should get a message saying the "Admin Registration Successful".
  • Check your email for a message with your temporary password.
  • go to 'StaticWebsiteURL/login'
  • enter your email address and the temporary password. You will be promted to change the password.
  • once completed, you have a admin tenant setup and can check status of services and view tenants.

Register new tenant

Now you can create another user tenant.

  • click on the register link
  • fill out the form using a Different email than the Admin tenant.
  • When you login with this new account, you will need to change the password.
  • Then you can play with the products and orders part of the application.


When you are done, you will need to cleanup and remove the resources so that you are not charged for any usage in your account. This is a 2 phase process. ####Phase1 This phase is done from the client side.

  • To Clean up - first login with System tenant you created with the install process.
  • go to Tenents for a list of Tenants created.
  • Start with the user Tenants, click on the delete icon to remove each tenant and cleanup roles, and userpools.
  • Finally delete the system Tenant using the same procedure.
  • To remove the client S3 bucket and other resources,
    • make sure you are at the top level of client directory
    • sls remove ####Phase 2
  • Go the SaaSServerless-Identity README.md document and follow the Cleanup Process.
