
CloudStack Key-Value Storage Plugin (Backend Server)

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Key-value storage

This project provides key-value storages as an extension for Apache CloudStack.

Following storage types are supported:


Persistent storages for Apache CloudStack accounts managed via Apache CloudStack API. Each account can have many storages. This storage type can be configured to save a history of operations.

  • VM

Storages for Apache CloudStack virtual machines created and deleted automatically while creating or expunging virtual machines.

  • TEMP

Temporal storages with specified TTL created via Apache CloudStack API. TTL can be updated after creation. This operation as well as storage deletion can be done via Apache CloudStack API and key-value storage API.


Following components should be deployed:

  • Elasticsearch 6.2

The official documentation can be found at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/index.html

Once it is deployed next step is to create necessary indexes and templates. To achieve this [initialization script] (/elasticsearch/init.sh) should be executed (use -h option to print how to use it).

  • cs-kv-storage

See configuration and build & run sections.


The example of the configuration file can be found here.

Property Description
elasticsearch.uri Elasticsearch addresses in the format elasticsearch://host:port,host:port, http://host:port,host:port or https://host:port,host:port.
elasticsearch.auth.username Elasticsearch username for authentication.
elasticsearch.auth.password Elasticsearch password for authentication.
elasticsearch.scroll.page-size Batch size to retrieve all results for key listing.
elasticsearch.scroll.keep-alive Timeout between batch requests to retrieve all results for key listing.
elasticsearch.limit.value.max-size Max length in bytes of the value in UTF-8; -1 if it is unlimited.
elasticsearch.limit.key.max-size Max length in bytes of the key in UTF-8; can not be more than 512 bytes.
app.cache.max-size Max size of the storage cache.
app.cache.expiration-time TTL for the storage cache items.
app.history.flush-size Size of batch requests to save a history of the storage operations.
app.history.flush-timeout Timeout between batch/retry requests to save a history of the storage operations.
app.history.retry-limit Amount of attempts to try to log the storage operation.
app.default-page-size A default number of results returned in the page for search requests.
app.request-timeout Maximum time to process the request.

Build & Run

Application as jar file

$ sbt assembly
$ java -Dconfig.file=<config.path> -jar target/scala-2.12/cs-kv-storage-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar

where <config.path> and <version> should be replaced with actual values.

Application as docker container

This project provides two options to build docker images:

using a default version

$ docker build -t <tag> .
$ docker -p <port>:8080 -v <config.path>:/opt/cs-kv-storage/application.conf <tag>

where <tag>, <port> and <config.path> should be replaced with actual values

using a ready jar

$ docker build -t <tag> --build-arg APP_PATH=<path to jar with dependencies> .
$ docker -p <port>:8080 -v <config.path>:/opt/cs-kv-storage/application.conf <tag>

where <tag>, <path to jar with dependencies>, <port> and <config.path> should be replaced with actual values.

<path to jar with dependencies> can be a path in a file system or URL, e.g.




Storage operations

All operations require a valid Secret-Key header.

Get the value by the key


GET /get/<storage UUID>/<key>


HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully. The value is returned in the body. The content type is text/plain.
404 The storage does not exist or does not contain a mapping for the key.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.

Get values by keys


POST /get/<storage UUID>
Content-Type: application/json



HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully. Results are returned in the body as a map with null values for keys that do not exist. The content type is application/json.
404 The storage does not exist.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.
Body example

In the following example the mapping for the second key does not exist.

    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": null,
    "key3": "value3"

Set the value for the key


PUT /set/<storage UUID>/somekey
Content-Type: text/plain



HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully.
400 The content-type, key or value are invalid.
404 The storage does not exist.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.

Set values for keys


PUT /set/<storage UUID>
Content-Type: application/json

    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": "value3"


HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully. Results are returned in the body as a map with boolean values as an operation status. The content type is application/json.
400 The content-type, body, key or value are invalid.
404 The storage does not exist.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.
Body example

In the following example values for the first and third keys are set successfully.

    "key1": true,
    "key2": false,
    "key3": true

Remove the mapping by the key


DELETE /delete/<storage UUID>/somekey


HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully.
404 The storage does not exist.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.

Remove mappings by keys


POST /delete/<storage UUID>
Content-Type: application/json



HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully. Results are returned in the body as a map with boolean values as an operation status. The content type is application/json.
400 The content-type or body are invalid.
404 The storage does not exist.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.
Body example

In the following example mappings for the first and third keys are deleted successfully.

    "key1": true,
    "key2": false,
    "key3": true

List keys


GET /list/<storage UUID>


HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully. Results are returned in the body as an array. The content type is application/json.
404 The storage does not exist.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.
Body example



POST /clear/<storage UUID>


HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully.
409 Conflicts occurred during executing the operation, the storage may have been cleared partially.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.

Storage history

Search and list history records

Secret-Key header is mandatory.


GET /history/<storage UUID>

All parameters are optional.

Parameter Description
keys Comma separated list of keys
operations Comma separated list of operations. Possible values are set, delete or clear.
start The start date/time as Unix timestamp to retrieve history records with dates >= start
end The end date/time as Unix timestamp to retrieve history records with dates <= end
sort Comma separated list of response fields optionally prefixed with - (minus) for descending order.
page A page number of results (1 by default)
size A number of results returned in the page/batch (default value is specified in the configuration file)
scroll A timeout in ms for subsequent list requests

* start and end parameters can be used separately. If both start and end parameters are specified history records with dates that are greater/equal to start and less/equal to end are returned.

** If both page and scroll parameters are specified scroll is used.


HTTP Status code Description
200 The request is processed successfully. Results are in the body in the format specified below. The content type is application/json.
400 The storage does not support history or the request is invalid.
404 The storage does not exist.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.
Body example

For requests with page parameter


For requests with scroll parameter

   "scrollId":"scroll id",

List history records


POST /history
Content-Type: application/json

   "scrollId":"scroll id",
   "timeout": 60000


HTTP Status code Body
200 The request is processed successfully. Results are in the body in the format for search requests with scroll. The content type is application/json.
400 The scroll id is invalid/expired or the request is invalid.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.

Storage management

All operations require a valid Secret-Key header.

Update storage TTL


PUT /storage/<storage UUID>?ttl=<ttl>
Parameter Description
ttl TTL in milliseconds


HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully.
400 The storage type is not TEMP.
404 The storage does not exist.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.

Delete the storage


DELETE /storage/<storage UUID>


HTTP Status Code Description
200 The request is processed successfully.
400 The storage type is not TEMP.
404 The storage does not exist.
500 The request can not be processed because of an internal error.

Storage health

Check health


GET /health
Parameter Description
detailed An optional boolean parameter whether it is need to check components that it depends on. Default value - false.


Status code
HTTP Status Code Description
200 Healthy
500 Unhealthy

If detailed = false then response body is empty, otherwise results are in the response body in the format specified below and the content type is application/json:
