
A scalable, cloud-ready environment for Data Science using Docker

Primary LanguageShell

A playground for Data Science with Spark, R, Zeppelin and Docker

NOTE: This repo is purely for experimentation and does not intend to provide production-grade containers.


This present repo provides a set of files to quickly bootstrap a fully dockerized environment for doing Data Science on top of distributed Big Data components, like Apache Spark.

All docker images are available to be pulled from the central Docker hub.


  • Docker installed & configured for your system (Windows / macOS / Linux).
  • Docker compose installed.
  • Recent version of bash. This is for using the aliases. On Windows, Cygwin or another alternative may be used.

Quickstart: Full environment


The below starts a full stack with Spark, Hadoop, Zeppelin, Jupyter, etc.

git clone https://github.com/bwv988/datascience-playground.git
cd datascience-playground

bin/playground.sh start


bin/playground.sh stop


  • Apache Spark + PySpark + R + other libs
  • Apache Hadoop
  • Apache Zeppelin
  • Apache Hive
  • Apache Zookeeper
  • Jupyter

Link Zeppelin with Hive

FIXME: Add paragraph to describe how to dynamically add interpreter settings.

General troubleshooting

Investigate issues by running a shell in a container, e.g.:

docker exec -it zeppelin bash

Inspect individual container logs by using the container name:

docker logs zeppelin

Spark + Hadoop environment


cd datascience-docker-playground

bin/playground.sh spark start

Verify containers are up and running

docker ps


bin/playground.sh spark stop

Usage examples

For the subsequent examples I'll be making use of the aliases provided.

Launch Spark Shell

This is handy for running some quick tests in Scala.

# First source the aliases definitions.
source bin/aliases.sh

# Create spark logs dir in HDFS or we get an exception.
hadoop fs -mkdir /spark-logs


Launch PySpark

Same as above, only for PySpark.

hadoop fs -mkdir /spark-logs


Copying files to HDFS

This can be achieved via the host volume which the docker container mounts:

hadoop fs -ls /

hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp

hadoop fs -ls /

echo "Hello world" > test.txt

# First, move the file into the shared folder.
sudo mv test.txt ~/ds-playground/workdir

# From there, we can load the data into Hadoop.
hadoop fs -put /workdir/test.txt /tmp/test.txt

hadoop fs -ls /tmp

Acessing Beeline CLI

Here is how to access Beeline and run SQL commands through the docker container:


beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://hive:10000 hiveuser hiveuser
0: jdbc:hive2://hive:10000> show tables

Verify Hive schema version in PostgreSQL metastore

docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres

postgres=# \c metastore
You are now connected to database "metastore" as user "postgres".
metastore=# select * from "VERSION";
      1 | 1.2.0          | Set by MetaStore root@
(1 row)


Deploy into AWS via Rancher


Deploy into AWS via Docker Swarm


Deploy using Kubernetes

