
Ajax practice with Vanilla JavaScript.

Primary LanguageHTML

What is AJAX?

  • Asynchrnous JavaScript & XML
  • Set of web technologies
  • Send & receive data asynchornously
  • Does not interfere with current webpage
  • JSON has replaced XML for the most part

How AJAX works


XmlHttpRequest (XHR) Object

  • API in the form of an object
  • Provided by the brower's JS environment
  • Methods transfer data between client/server
  • Can be used with other protocols than HTTP
  • Can work with data other than XML (JSON, plain text)

Libraries & Other Methods

  • jQuery
  • Axios (HTTP client library. Slim and simple to use)
  • Superagent
  • Fetch API (Part of the browser, implementd in browser)
  • Prototype
  • Node HTTP

Using libraries are great!

But, you must need to know how to make a request using Vanilla JavaScript first! :)

HTTP Statuses

  • 200: "OK"
  • 403: "Forbidden"
  • 404: "Not Found" 404 status is not an error. It is a valid response.

readyState Values

0: request not initialized
1: server connection established
2: request received
3: processing request
4: request finished and response is ready