
Tools for *packing, *crypting and editing various Monster Hunter Frontier Online files.

Primary LanguagePython


Python rewrite and cleanup of original ReFrontier tool written by mhvuze and modified by Chakratos. Original ReFrontier also ecxtends thank you to enler for their help!

Tools for *packing, *crypting and editing various Monster Hunter Frontier Online files.

Usage (WIP):


Extracting Data/Exporting:


ReFrontier options (Writeup needs redone):

Unpacking Options:
-log: Write log file (required for repacking)
-cleanUp: Delete simple archives after unpacking
-stageContainer: Unpack file as stage-specific container (for certain stXXX.pac files and maybe others)
-autoStage: Automatically attempt to unpack containers that might be stage-specific (this is very experimental, since there is no reliable way to detect a stage-specific container)
-nonRecursive: Do not unpack recursively (useful for modifying specific files in archives, also check -noDecryption/-ignoreJPK)
-decryptOnly: Decrypt ecd files without unpacking
-noDecryption: Don't decrypt ecd files, no unpacking
-ignoreJPK: Do not decompress JPK files

Packing Options:
-pack: Repack directory (requires log file  - double check file extensions therein and make sure you account for encryption, compression)
-compress [type],[level]: Pack file with jpk [type] at compression [level] (example: -compress 3,10)
-encrypt: Encrypt input file with ecd algorithm

General Options:
-close: Close window after finishing process

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