Primary LanguageJavaScript


Solidity contracts for KRWb.


  • multisig/MultisigWallet.sol: Allows multiple parties to agree on transactions before execution.
  • token/ERC20.sol: Standard ERC20 token.
  • token/Ownable.sol: Owner is set at first and cannot be changed.
  • token/ERC20Detailed.sol: Specifies name, symbol and decimals.
  • token/ERC20WithFees.sol: Sets transferFee and individualsTransferFee.
  • token/ERC20WithBlacklist.sol: Maintains blacklisted accounts.
  • token/PausableERC20.sol: Pauses and unpauses transfers of token.
  • token/BurnableERC20.sol: Burns tokens.
  • token/MintableERC20.sol: Mints tokens.



npm install -g zos
npm install

Configure .env

Create a file named .env at the project root and copy following.

ROPSTEN_PROVIDER_URL=https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/<Your Infura API Key>
ROPSTEN_MNEMONIC=<Seed phrases of 12 words>


Caution: Deployment Account must be different from accounts you want to interact with the contract later. If you deployed a contract with Account X, then all the following calls/transactions to that contract from Account X shall fail with errors.


If you want to ignore previous updates, do the following. Delete the file zos.<Network Name>.json if exist network setting. Then,

zos add MultisigWallet
zos add KRWb
zos link openzeppelin-eth
zos session --network <Network Name> --from <Deployment Account>
zos push
zos create MultisigWallet --init initialize --args [<Account1>,<Account2>,<Account3>],3
zos create KRWb --init initialize --args <MultisigWallet Address>


Everytime contracts need to be updated, do the following.

zos session --network <Network Name> --from <Deployment Account>
zos push
zos update MultisigWallet
zos update KRWb


npm test

Code Coverage

The following generates coverage report.
