Matrix App

  • Create matrix M*N, where M is the number of rows and N is the number of columns.
  • Show all data in the table view
  • Add an additional column to the table with values sum for each row
  • Add an additional row to the table with the average value for each column
  • Increate the amount in the cell by 1 when user press on it. Recalculate average and sum values.
  • Highlight X cells where amount is closest to the amount of hovered cell.
  • Replace amount in each cell in the row with the percent when user hover on the sum cell in this row.
  • Add a vertical gradient background inside the each cell in a row which will fill the calculated percentage of the cell value.
  • Give the ability to remove any row in the table. Sum and average values should be recalculated respectively.
  • A new row should be appended at the end of the table, sum and average values should be recalculated respectively.
  • deploy to Vercel