
Simple utility meant to ease the deployment in self hosted Docker environments.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is this?

Docker pulls Build Status License: MIT

Simple utility meant to ease the deployment in self hosted Docker environments.



In swarm mode app requires storing the credentials as Docker secrets

Secrets can be for example created as external secrets beforehand and use them

cat your-docker-password.txt | docker secret create dsd-docker-password -
cat your-ssh-private-key.txt | docker secret create dsd-ssh-private-key -
cat your-gpg-private-key.txt | docker secret create dsd-gpg-private-key -

When run with docker-compose the secrets part may be "faked" using just pure volume mount.

Usage with docker-compose

docker-compose up -d


App reads it's configuration at startup from config.json

  "token": "foobar",
  "envName": "Production",
  "slackWebhookUrl": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/YOURSLACKWEBHOOKTOKEN",
  "stacks": {
    "hello-world": {
      "repository": "git@github.com:/yourdomain/yourdeploymentrepository",
      "branch": "master",
      "command": "docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml hello-world"

token (string)

Required token to authorize requests to this tool. For example "foobar" token is required as header in format Authorization: Token foobar.

slackWebhookUrl (string)

Slack Incoming Webhook url to send notifications to. Notifications are send from both successfull and failed deployments.

stacks (string => stack)

Collection of stack configurations. Key represents the stack name.

stack.repository (string)

The deployment repository of this stack. Configuration is cloned and/or pulled from this specified repository on every deployment.

stack.branch (string)

Branch of the used deployment repository. Defaults to master.

stack.command (string)

The actual deployment command. Usually just docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml [stack-name].


Just call the /deploy/:stack endpoint with the stack name you want to deploy

curl -XPOST --header "Authorization: Token yourowntoken" http://localhost:3000/deploy/hello-world


The MIT License (MIT)