
Integrates slack to github based on .json file at repository itself.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Docker pulls Build Status License: MIT


Service which integrates slack to github based on configuration file slack.json at repository.

There are plenty slack integration for github around. However solution where configuration exists in version control and it supports fine grained configurations about what and to which channels should be notified. For example slack side apps supports multiple different notification types but only to one channel at time.

At best this solution is when hooks can be enabled at organization level. After that no further configuration is needed repository basis -> just add slack.json.


Deploy this .NET core app for you favorite hosting service or docker cluster.

Docker example

docker run -it \
    --env=SlackIntegrationUri=https://hooks.slack.com/services/12345/12345123451234512345 \
    --env=GithubPersonalAccessToken=1234512345123451234512345123451234512345 \
    -p 5000:5000 \

Github configuration

  1. Setup github webhook (global or repository) for address https://www.yourinstallation.io/v1/api/github/.
  2. Create personal access token and add it to slack-integration service appsettings.json or to environment variable GithubPersonalAccessToken.

Slack configuration

  1. Create new 'Incoming webhook' app and set 'Webhook URL' to appsettings.json or environment variable SlackIntegrationUri.


Add file slack.json to repository root folder.

Action structure:

    "type": "this_is_type",
    "channel": "#ThisIsTargetChannel",
    "enabled": true,
    "data": [ "somedata" ]

Only type and channel are mandatory. Enabled defaults to true if not set and data is available only on few configurations.

Global configuration

App supports globally configured actions which are invoked on every repository event when slack.json is missing. Use GlobalSlackJson on environment variable or configuration file to support this scenario.

Supported types

Type Description Misc
new_issue Get notification when new issue is posted to repository.
new_repository Notifies channel when new repository is created. This must be enabled globally, not allowed on repository basic configuration.
new_release Notifies channel when new release is created.
pull_request Notifies channel about new pull requests on repository.
ready_for_review Notifies channel when draft pull requests are ready for review.
review_request Notifies channel about new review requests on repository.
review_status Notifies channel about updates on reviews, like reviewed or needs fix.
issue_label Notifies channel about labels on issues. Supports filtering with data: [ "needs help", "bug" ], if data is not defined all labels are accepted.
pullrequest_label Notifies channel about new labels on pull requests. Supports filtering with data: [ "needs help", "bug" ], if data is not defined all labels are accepted.
jenkins_build_error Jenkins ci build failed.
repository_vulnerability_alert Send message to channel when state of depency vulnerabilit changes.
jenkins_build_tag When tag is built on jenkins notifications of states like success, pending and error is sent.

Full example

    "version": "1",
    "actions": [
            "type": "new_issue",
            "channel": "#best_project"
            "type": "new_issue",
            "channel": "#anotherChannel"
            "type": "new_release",
            "channel": "#anotherChannel"
            "type": "pull_request",
            "channel": "#best_project"
            "type": "review_request",
            "channel": "#best_devops_channel_ever"
            "type": "issue_label",
            "channel": "#lotsOfBugsChannel",
            "enabled": true,
            "data": [ "bug" ]
            "type": "pullrequest_label",
            "channel": "#evochannel",
            "data": [ "needs help" ]


Install .NET Core 2.x. and configure appsettings.json or (git ignored) appsettings.localdev.json with correct keys.

dotnet run

Now service runs at, setup github hooks against your public address and you should get hook messages from github in your local development environment.

See swagger document at


The MIT License (MIT)