
A reminder app featuring time-progress alerts, email notifications, and speech recognition (set reminder by speech)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A reminder app featuring time-progress alerts, email notifications, and speech recognition (set reminder by speech)



Landing Page:

Dashboard (To-do-list) Page:

Speech Recognition Page:


GET /reminder

Returns all reminders

Authentication Required (session cookie)
Request Parameters


Response Body
	id: String,
	title: String,
	dueDate: Date,
	startDate: Date,
	memo: String,
	emailNotification: Boolean,
	setAlert: Boolean,
	progressAlert: String,
	percentProgress: Number
Property Name Description
id The ID for the reminder
title The title of the reminder
startDate The start time set for the reminder
dueDate The due time set for the reminder
memo The memo written down for the reminder
emailNotification Whether the app will send email notifications of the reminder to the user if any alerts for the reminder is set
setAlert Whether alerts for the reminder is set. If set, push noitications to app will be sent by default
progressAlert The frequency of alerts set for the reminder. There are four types: 'On every 50% progress', 'On every 25% progress', 'On every 20% progress', 'On every 10% progress'
percentProgress The percentage of time that has past between its start time and now compared to the due time of the reminder

POST /reminder

Create a reminder

Authentication Required (session cookie)
Request Body
    title: String (required),
    dueDate: Date,
    startDate: Date,
    memo: String,
    setAlert: Boolean,
    progressAlert: String
    emailNotification: Boolean,
Property Name Description
title The title of the reminder. (Required)
startDate The start time for the reminder. Must set to enable progress alerts.
dueDate The due time for the reminder
memo The memo for the reminder
setAlert Whether to set progress alerts for the reminder. If set, push noitications of the progress alerts will be sent to app. Set to 'false' by default if startDate is null.
progressAlert If setAlert is 'true', the frequency of alerts to set for the reminder. There are four options: 'On every 50% progress', 'On every 25% progress', 'On every 20% progress', and 'On every 10% progress'.
emailNotification Whether the app will send email notifications of the reminder to the user if any alerts for the reminder is set
Response Body
	id: String,
	title: String,
	dueDate: Date,
	startDate: Date,
	memo: String,
	emailNotification: Boolean,
	setAlert: Boolean,
	progressAlert: String,
	percentProgress: Number

Desciption: Same as GET response body.

PUT /reminder/{id}

Update a reminder

Authentication Required (session cookie)
Route Parameter
Field Description
id The ID of the reminder to be updated (Required)
Request Body
    title: String,
    dueDate: Date,
    startDate: Date,
    memo: String,
    setAlert: Boolean,
    progressAlert: String
    emailNotification: Boolean,
(All fields are optional)

Description: Same as POST request body

Response Body
	id: String,
	title: String,
	dueDate: Date,
	startDate: Date,
	memo: String,
	emailNotification: Boolean,
	setAlert: Boolean,
	progressAlert: String,
	percentProgress: Number

Desciption: Same as GET response body.

DELETE /reminder/{id}

Delete a reminder

Authentication Required (session cookie)
Route Parameter
Field Description
id The ID of the reminder to be deleted (Required)


Response Body


Status code 204 if success.

Built With

Front-End (HTML + CSS + JavaScript)

JQuery / Md-Bootstrap / D3.js / Bootbox.js / Moment.js

Back-End (Node.js + MongoDb)

Express.js / Passport.js / Socket.io / Nodemailer / Node-schedule


Chai / Mocha / Faker.js

Powered By

  • Wit.ai API