Expo Router Base URL issue

Most basic setup for initial route issue using base urls.


Prepare the app:

  • $ cd ./app
  • $ bun install
  • $ bun expo export --platform web

Prepare the server:

  • $ cd ./server
  • $ bun install
  • $ bun start

Open the web: ... link from terminal, or http://localhost:3000/my/base/url


The initial web link swaps the URL to http://localhost:3000.

Using Expo Router from main

Change the app/package.json file:

-"expo-router": "~3.4.8",
+"expo-router": "../expo-router-a6329839072067d010b6233b0f57abf0ece80d69.tgz",
  • $ cd ./app
  • $ rm -rf node_modules
  • $ bun install
  • $ bun expo export --platform web --clear
  • $ cd ../server
  • $ bun start

This results in a 404 when starting the page, and navigating to http://localhost:3000/my/base/url

But, http://localhost:3000/my/base/url/server works fine.