
Dockerized TCPFLOW for monitoring and inspecting network TCP traffic among containers or else.

MIT LicenseMIT


Have you ever wanted to inspect network TCP traffic running among containers?

Simply use TCPFLOW wrapped in a Docker container. This is a very light-weight image (~6.8MB) based on Alpine Linux 3.3. The repository is automatically published at Docker Hub as byfcz/tcpflow.

How to use it

docker run --net="<see below>" byfcz/tcpflow <args> 

You should choose your network settings based on your intent:

Mac OSX: Since Docker runs in a VM on OSX, using host Docker networking might show you only the traffic in the VM based on its network settings.


WARNING: Not using TCPFLOW's -p option might result in computer freeze.

Following command outputs all the traffic into console for abc container.

docker run --net="container:abc" byfcz/tcpflow -p -c

Default interface TCPFLOW listens to is eth0, you might want to change it in some case using -i switch. Following command shows you all the traffic on your machine concerning port 8080 on interface eth1; it outputs only into console and different flows have different colors:

docker run --net host byfcz/tcpflow -p -c -g -i eth1 port 8080

TCPFLOW Quick Reference

TCPFLOW version 1.4.5

usage: tcpflow [-aBcCDhJpsvVZ] [-b max_bytes] [-d debug_level]
     [-[eE] scanner] [-f max_fds] [-F[ctTXMkmg]] [-i iface] [-L semlock]
     [-m min_bytes] [-o outdir] [-r file] [-R file]
     [-S name=value] [-T template] [-w file] [-x scanner] [-X xmlfile]

   -a: do ALL post-processing.
   -b max_bytes: max number of bytes per flow to save
   -d debug_level: debug level; default is 1
   -f: maximum number of file descriptors to use
   -h: print this help message (-hh for more help)
   -H: print detailed information about each scanner
   -i: network interface on which to listen
   -I: generate temporal packet-> byte index files for each flow (.findex)
   -g: output each flow in alternating colors (note change!)
   -l: treat non-flag arguments as input files rather than a pcap expression
   -L  semlock - specifies that writes are locked using a named semaphore
   -p: don't use promiscuous mode
   -q: quiet mode - do not print warnings
   -r file: read packets from tcpdump pcap file (may be repeated)
   -R file: read packets from tcpdump pcap file TO FINISH CONNECTIONS
   -v: verbose operation equivalent to -d 10
   -V: print version number and exit
   -w file: write packets not processed to file
   -o  outdir   : specify output directory (default '.')
   -X  filename : DFXML output to filename
   -m  bytes    : specifies skip that starts a new stream (default 16777216).
   -F{p} : filename prefix/suffix (-hh for options)
   -T{t} : filename template (-hh for options; default %A.%a-%B.%b%V%v%C%c)
   -Z: do not decompress gzip-compressed HTTP transactions

Control of Scanners:
   -E scanner   - turn off all scanners except scanner
   -S name=value  Set a configuration parameter (-hh for info)

Settable Options (and their defaults):
   -S enable_report=YES    Enable report.xml ()
   -S http_cmd=    Command to execute on each HTTP attachment (http)
   -S http_alert_fd=-1    File descriptor to send information about completed HTTP attachments (http)
   -S tcp_timeout=0    Timeout for TCP connections (tcpdemux)
   -S check_fcs=YES    Require valid Frame Check Sum (FCS) (wifiviz)

   -e http - enable scanner http
   -e md5 - enable scanner md5
   -e netviz - enable scanner netviz
   -e wifiviz - enable scanner wifiviz

   -x tcpdemux - disable scanner tcpdemux
Console output options:
   -B: binary output, even with -c or -C (normally -c or -C turn it off)
   -c: console print only (don't create files)
   -C: console print only, but without the display of source/dest header
   -0: don't print newlines after packets when printing to console   -s: strip non-printable characters (change to '.')
   -D: output in hex (useful to combine with -c or -C)

Rendering not available because Cairo was not installed.

expression: tcpdump-like filtering expression

See the man page for additional information.